After the ANOVA


  1. What can we ask of ANOVA?
  2. Looking at treatment means

  3. Tests of differences of means

Categorical Predictors: Gene Expression and Mental Disorders

image image

The data

Comparison of Means

Means Model

\[\large y_{ij} = \alpha_{i} + \epsilon_{ij}, \qquad \epsilon_{ij} \sim N(0, \sigma^{2} )\]
  • Different mean for each group

  • Focus is on specificity of a categorical predictor
  • Questions we could ask

    1. Does your model explain variation in the data?

    2. Are your coefficients different from 0?

    3. How much variation is retained by the model?

    4. How confident can you be in model predictions?

    5. Are groups different from each other

    Questions we could ask

    1. Does your model explain variation in the data?

    2. Are your coefficients different from 0?

    3. How much variation is retained by the model?

    4. How confident can you be in model predictions?

    5. Are groups different from each other

    Testing the Model

    Ho = The model predicts no variation in the data.

    Ha = The model predicts variation in the data.


    F = Mean Square Variability Explained by Model / Mean Square Error

    DF for Numerator = k-1
    DF for Denominator = n-k
    k = number of groups, n = sample size


    Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
    group 2 0.5402533 0.2701267 7.823136 0.0012943
    Residuals 42 1.4502267 0.0345292 NA NA

    Fitting an ANOVA model with Likelihood

    \(\chi^2\) LR Test and ANOVA

    LR Chisq Df Pr(>Chisq)
    group 15.64627 2 4e-04

    This asks how much does the deviance change when we remove a suite of predictors from the model?


    BANOVA: Compare the relative magnitudes of variability due to Treatments

    term estimate std.error conf.low conf.high
    SD from Groups 0.1396133 0.0340588 0.0740639 0.2094102
    SD from Residuals 0.1860021 0.0046805 0.1815504 0.1957638

    Or via Percentages:

    term estimate std.error conf.low conf.high
    SD from Groups 43.09062 6.148865 29.89045 52.81145
    SD from Residuals 56.90938 6.148865 47.18855 70.10955

    What if Treatment is relatively unimportant?

    term estimate std.error conf.low conf.high
    group_sd 0.3742119 0.2061628 0.0291503 0.7560807
    res_sd 1.1878815 0.0494847 1.1421252 1.2808218
    term estimate std.error conf.low conf.high
    group_sd 22.86571 9.015793 4.387725 38.10253
    res_sd 77.13429 9.015793 61.897473 95.61228

    What if Treatment is relatively unimportant?

    Questions we could ask

    1. Does your model explain variation in the data?

    2. Are your coefficients different from 0?

    3. How much variation is retained by the model?

    4. How confident can you be in model predictions?

    5. Are groups different from each other

    Questions we could ask

    1. Does your model explain variation in the data?

    2. Are your coefficients different from 0?

    3. How much variation is retained by the model?

    4. How confident can you be in model predictions?

    5. Are groups different from each other


    1. What can we ask of ANOVA?

    2. Looking at treatment means

    3. Tests of differences of means

    ANOVA, F, and T-Tests

    F-Tests T-Tests
    Tests if data generating process different than error Tests if parameter is different from 0

    Essentially comparing a variation explained by a model with versus without a data generating process included.

    The Coefficients

    Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
    (Intercept) -0.0040000 0.0479786 -0.0833705 0.9339531
    groupschizo -0.1913333 0.0678520 -2.8198628 0.0073015
    groupbipolar -0.2586667 0.0678520 -3.8122186 0.0004442

    Treatment contrasts - set one group as a baseline
    Useful with a control

    Default “Treatment” Contrasts

            schizo bipolar
    control      0       0
    schizo       1       0
    bipolar      0       1

    Actual Group Means Compared to 0

    contrast estimate SE df t.ratio p.value
    control effect 0.1500000 0.0391744 42 3.829034 0.0012669
    schizo effect -0.0413333 0.0391744 42 -1.055112 0.2974062
    bipolar effect -0.1086667 0.0391744 42 -2.773922 0.0123422

    But which groups are different from each other?

    Many T-tests….mutiple comparisons!


    1. What can we ask of ANOVA?

    2. Looking at treatment means

    3. Tests of differences of means

    The Problem of Multiple Comparisons

    Solutions to Multiple Comparisons and Family-wise Error Rate?

    1. Ignore it - a test is a test
      • a priori contrasts
      • Least Squares Difference test

    2. Lower your \(\alpha\) given m = # of comparisons
      • Bonferroni \(\alpha/m\)
      • False Discovery Rate \(k\alpha/m\) where k is rank of test
    3. Other multiple comparinson correction
      • Tukey’s Honestly Significant Difference

    ANOVA is an Omnibus Test

    Remember your Null:
    \[H_{0} = \mu_{1} = \mu{2} = \mu{3} = ...\]

    This had nothing to do with specific comparisons of means.

    A priori contrasts

    Specific sets of a priori null hypotheses: \[\mu_{1} = \mu{2}\]
    \[\mu_{1} = \mu{3} = ...\]

    Use t-tests.

    A priori contrasts

    lm model parameter contrast
      Contrast   S.E.  Lower Upper    t df Pr(>|t|)
    1    0.191 0.0679 0.0544 0.328 2.82 42   0.0073

    A priori contrasts

    lm model parameter contrast
                       Contrast   S.E.  Lower Upper    t df Pr(>|t|)
    Control v. Schizo     0.191 0.0679 0.0544 0.328 2.82 42   0.0073
    Control v. Bipolar    0.259 0.0679 0.1217 0.396 3.81 42   0.0004

    Note: can only do k-1 before thinking about FWER, as each takes 1df

    Orthogonal A priori contrasts

    Sometimes you want to test very specific hypotheses about the structure of your groups

                         control schizo bipolar
    Control v. Disorders       1   -0.5    -0.5
    Bipolar v. Schizo          0    1.0    -1.0

    Note: can only do k-1, as each takes 1df

    Orthogonal A priori contrasts with Grouping

         Simultaneous Tests for General Linear Hypotheses
    Fit: lm(formula = PLP1.expression ~ group, data = brainGene)
    Linear Hypotheses:
                              Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)  
    Control v. Disorders == 0   0.2210     0.1018    2.17     0.07 .
    Bipolar v. Schizo == 0      0.0673     0.0679    0.99     0.54  
    Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
    (Adjusted p values reported -- single-step method)

    Post hoc contrasts

    I want to test all possible comparisons!

    No Correction: Least Square Differences

    contrast estimate SE df t.ratio p.value
    control - schizo 0.191 0.068 42 2.820 0.007
    control - bipolar 0.259 0.068 42 3.812 0.000
    schizo - bipolar 0.067 0.068 42 0.992 0.327

    P-Value Adjustments

    Bonferroni : \(\alpha_{adj} = \frac{\alpha}{m}\) where m = # of tests
    - VERY conservative

    False Discovery Rate: \(\alpha_{adj} = \frac{k\alpha}{m}\)
    - Order your p values from smallest to largest, rank = k,
    - Adjusts for small v. large p values
    - Less conservative

    Other Methods: Sidak, Dunn, Holm, etc.
    We’re very focused on p here!

    Bonferroni Corrections

    contrast estimate SE df t.ratio p.value
    control - schizo 0.191 0.068 42 2.820 0.022
    control - bipolar 0.259 0.068 42 3.812 0.001
    schizo - bipolar 0.067 0.068 42 0.992 0.980

    p = m * p


    contrast estimate SE df t.ratio p.value
    control - schizo 0.191 0.068 42 2.820 0.011
    control - bipolar 0.259 0.068 42 3.812 0.001
    schizo - bipolar 0.067 0.068 42 0.992 0.327

    p = \(\frac{m}{k}\) * p

    Other Methods Use Critical Values

    • Tukey’s Honestly Significant Difference

    • Dunnet’s Test for Comparison to Controls

    • Ryan’s Q (sliding range)

    • etc…

    Tukey’s Honestly Significant Difference

    contrast estimate SE df t.ratio p.value
    control - schizo 0.191 0.068 42 2.820 0.020
    control - bipolar 0.259 0.068 42 3.812 0.001
    schizo - bipolar 0.067 0.068 42 0.992 0.586

    Visualizing Comparisons (Tukey)

    Dunnett’s Comparison to Controls

    contrast estimate SE df t.ratio p.value
    schizo - control -0.191 0.068 42 -2.82 0.014
    bipolar - control -0.259 0.068 42 -3.81 0.001

    Likelihood and Posthocs

    group emmean SE df asymp.LCL asymp.UCL
    control -0.004 0.048 Inf -0.098 0.090
    schizo -0.195 0.048 Inf -0.289 -0.101
    bipolar -0.263 0.048 Inf -0.357 -0.169

    Posthocs Use Z-tests

    contrast estimate SE df z.ratio p.value
    control - schizo 0.191 0.068 Inf 2.820 0.013
    control - bipolar 0.259 0.068 Inf 3.812 0.000
    schizo - bipolar 0.067 0.068 Inf 0.992 0.582


    group emmean lower.HPD upper.HPD
    control -0.003 -0.100 0.091
    schizo -0.195 -0.288 -0.095
    bipolar -0.263 -0.362 -0.163


    Final Notes of Caution

    • Often you DO have a priori contrasts in mind

    • If you reject Ho with ANOVA, differences between groups exist

    • Consider Type I v. Type II error before correcting