Complex Linear Models



For today, let’s start with some standard libraries for these analyses.




theme_set(theme_bw(base_size = 14))

1. Many Categorical Varibles

We’ll work with the zooplankton depredation dataset for two-way linear model with categorical predictors. This is a blocked experiment, so, each treatment is in each block just once.

zooplankton <- read_csv("./data/18e2ZooplanktonDepredation.csv") 
Rows: 15 Columns: 3
── Column specification ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
Delimiter: ","
chr (1): treatment
dbl (2): zooplankton, block

ℹ Use `spec()` to retrieve the full column specification for this data.
ℹ Specify the column types or set `show_col_types = FALSE` to quiet this message.
ggplot(data = zooplankton,
       aes(x = treatment, y = zooplankton)) +

ggplot(data = zooplankton,
       aes(x = block, y = zooplankton)) +
Warning: Continuous x aesthetic
ℹ did you forget `aes(group = ...)`?

Oh. That’s odd. What is up with block? AH HA! It’s continuous. We need to make it discrete to work with it.

zooplankton <- zooplankton |>
  mutate(block = as.character(block))

ggplot(data = zooplankton,
       aes(x = block, y = zooplankton)) +

There we go. Always check!

1.1 Fit and Assumption Evaluation

Fit is quite easy. We just add one more factor to an lm model!

zooplankton_lm <- lm(zooplankton ~ treatment + block,
                     data = zooplankton)

We then evaluate residuals almost as usual…


We want to look more deeply by fitted versus residuals to inspect for nonadditivity. Let’s check it out.

check_model(zooplankton_lm, check = "linearity") |> plot()

Looks good!

1.2 Coefficients

Let’s look at the coefs!

# A tibble: 7 × 5
  term           estimate std.error statistic    p.value
  <chr>             <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>      <dbl>
1 (Intercept)    3.42e+ 0     0.313  1.09e+ 1 0.00000433
2 treatmenthigh -1.64e+ 0     0.289 -5.67e+ 0 0.000473  
3 treatmentlow  -1.02e+ 0     0.289 -3.52e+ 0 0.00781   
4 block2         9.57e-16     0.374  2.56e-15 1.00      
5 block3        -7.00e- 1     0.374 -1.87e+ 0 0.0979    
6 block4        -1.00e+ 0     0.374 -2.68e+ 0 0.0281    
7 block5        -3.00e- 1     0.374 -8.03e- 1 0.445     

This is still a little odd, though, as our treatments are evaluated in block 1 control. To truly get just the treatment effect, we need to look at the estimated marginal means - the emmeans! The big thing about emmeans is that it creates a reference grid based on the blocks. It then calculates the treatment effect averaged over all blocks, rather than just in block 1.


zoop_em <- emmeans(zooplankton_lm, ~treatment)

 treatment emmean    SE df lower.CL upper.CL
 control     3.02 0.205  8    2.548     3.49
 high        1.38 0.205  8    0.908     1.85
 low         2.00 0.205  8    1.528     2.47

Results are averaged over the levels of: block 
Confidence level used: 0.95 

1.3 Evaluating treatment differences

Here, emmeans gets interesting.

contrast(zoop_em, method = "pairwise") |>
 contrast       estimate    SE df lower.CL upper.CL
 control - high     1.64 0.289  8    0.813    2.467
 control - low      1.02 0.289  8    0.193    1.847
 high - low        -0.62 0.289  8   -1.447    0.207

Results are averaged over the levels of: block 
Confidence level used: 0.95 
Conf-level adjustment: tukey method for comparing a family of 3 estimates 

Note the message that we’ve averaged over the levels of block. You can do any sort of posthoc evaluation (query your model!) as you wanted before. And, you could have done the same workflow for block as well.

1.4 Faded Examples

Given then similarity with models from last week, let’s just jump right into two examples, noting a key difference or two here and there.

To start with, let’s look at gene expression by different types of bees.

bees <- read.csv("./data/18q07BeeGeneExpression.csv")

         aes(x = type, y = Expression)) +

bee_lm <- __(______ ~ ______ + _____, data=________)


#pairwise comparison
emmeans(__________, spec = ~ ________) |>
  contrast(method = "pairwise") |>

Wow, not that different, save adding one more term and the residualPlots.

OK, one more…. repeating an experiment in the intertidal?

intertidal <- read.csv("./data/18e3IntertidalAlgae.csv")

ggplot(data = _____________,
       _____ = ______(x = herbivores, y = sqrtarea)) +

intertidal_lm <- __(______ ~ ______ + _____, data=________)


#pairwise comparison
emmeans(__________, spec = ~ ________) |>
  contrast(method = "___________") |>

Did that last one pass the test of non-additivity?

2. Mixing Categorical and Continuous Variables

Combining categorical and continuous variables is not that different from what we have done above. To start with, let’s look at the neanderthal data from class.

neand <- read.csv("./data/18q09NeanderthalBrainSize.csv")
  lnmass lnbrain species
1   4.00    7.19  recent
2   3.96    7.23  recent
3   3.95    7.26  recent
4   4.04    7.23  recent
5   4.11    7.22  recent
6   4.10    7.24  recent

We can clearly see both the categorical variable we’re interested in, and the covariate.

To get a preliminary sense of what’s going on here, do some exploratory visualization with ggplot2 why doncha!

ggplot(data = neand,
       mapping = aes(x = lnmass, y = lnbrain,
                     color = species)) +
  geom_point() +
  stat_smooth(method = "lm")

Now, the CIs are going to be off as this wasn’t all tested in the same model, but you begin to get a sense of whether things are parallel or not, and whether this covariate is important.

What other plots might you produce?

As this is a general linear model, good olde lm() is still there for us.

neand_lm <- lm(lnbrain ~ species + lnmass, data=neand)

2.1 Testing Assumptions

In addition to the ususal tests, we need to make sure that the slopes really are parallel. We do that by fitting a model with an interaction and testing it (which, well, if there was and interaction, might that be interesting).

First, the usual


#And now look at residuals by group/predictors
residualPlots(neand_lm, tests=FALSE)

To test the parallel presumption

neand_int <- lm(lnbrain ~ species*lnmass, data=neand)

# A tibble: 4 × 5
  term                 estimate std.error statistic  p.value
  <chr>                   <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>    <dbl>
1 (Intercept)             4.25      0.977      4.35 0.000111
2 speciesrecent           1.18      1.06       1.11 0.274   
3 lnmass                  0.714     0.227      3.14 0.00340 
4 speciesrecent:lnmass   -0.259     0.248     -1.05 0.303   

We can see that there is no interaction, and hence we are a-ok to proceed with the parallel lines model.

2.2 Assessing results

Now, let’s look at our coefficients

# A tibble: 3 × 5
  term          estimate std.error statistic  p.value
  <chr>            <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>    <dbl>
1 (Intercept)     5.19      0.395      13.1  2.74e-15
2 speciesrecent   0.0703    0.0282      2.49 1.75e- 2
3 lnmass          0.496     0.0917      5.41 4.26e- 6

Everything looks like it matters. If you had wanted to do this with a centered covariate, how would things differ? Try it out.

Second, does our model explain much?

# R2 for Linear Regression
       R2: 0.449
  adj. R2: 0.418

Not bad - and both types agree fairly well.

Next, we might want to compare covariate adjusted groups and/or look at covariate adjusted means.

adj_means <- emmeans(neand_lm, specs = ~species)

#adjusted means
 species     emmean      SE df lower.CL upper.CL
 neanderthal  7.272 0.02419 36    7.223    7.321
 recent       7.342 0.01250 36    7.317    7.367

Confidence level used: 0.95 

Nice! But, what if we wanted to know what value of the covariate we were using? To get those, we need to use say that we are using lnmass as a reference grid - i.e. we’re marginalizing over it.

avg_sp_means <- emmeans(neand_lm, ~species|lnmass)

lnmass = 4.198:
 species     emmean      SE df lower.CL upper.CL
 neanderthal  7.272 0.02419 36    7.223    7.321
 recent       7.342 0.01250 36    7.317    7.367

Confidence level used: 0.95 

We can then use this for pairwise comparisons, etc.

contrast(avg_sp_means, method="pairwise") |>
lnmass = 4.2:
 contrast             estimate     SE df lower.CL upper.CL
 neanderthal - recent  -0.0703 0.0282 36   -0.128  -0.0131

Confidence level used: 0.95 

You can also specify other levels of mass, if you are more interested in those for biological relevance. You can even specify multiple levels, or even a smooth curve and plot the results!

We can also see the estimates of the slopes for each species (which is more useful when there is an interaction - as summary is just fine without.)

#no interaction
emtrends(neand_lm, ~species, var = "lnmass")
 species     lnmass.trend     SE df lower.CL upper.CL
 neanderthal        0.496 0.0917 36     0.31    0.682
 recent             0.496 0.0917 36     0.31    0.682

Confidence level used: 0.95 

2.3 Visualization

Visualization is funny, as you want to make parallel lines and also get the CIs right. Rather than rely on ggplot2 to do this natively, we need to futz around a bit with generating predictions

neand_predict <- augment(neand_lm, interval="confidence")

# A tibble: 6 × 11
  lnbrain species lnmass .fitted .lower .upper   .resid   .hat .sigma  .cooksd
    <dbl> <chr>    <dbl>   <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>    <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>    <dbl>
1    7.19 recent    4       7.24   7.20   7.28 -0.0536  0.0860 0.0669 0.0222  
2    7.23 recent    3.96    7.22   7.18   7.27  0.00624 0.114  0.0676 0.000425
3    7.26 recent    3.95    7.22   7.17   7.27  0.0412  0.122  0.0672 0.0202  
4    7.23 recent    4.04    7.26   7.23   7.30 -0.0335  0.0637 0.0673 0.00611 
5    7.22 recent    4.11    7.30   7.27   7.33 -0.0782  0.0394 0.0662 0.0196  
6    7.24 recent    4.1     7.29   7.27   7.32 -0.0532  0.0418 0.0670 0.00968 
# ℹ 1 more variable: .std.resid <dbl>

So, here we have fit values, lower confidence interval, and upper confidence intervals. As we have not fed augment() any new data, these values line up with our neand data frame, so can use them immediately.

ggplot(data = neand_predict,
       aes(x = lnmass, color = species)) +
  geom_point(mapping=aes(y=lnbrain)) +
  geom_line(mapping = aes(y=.fitted)) + 
                  group = species), 
              color = NA) +

And there we have nice parallel lines with model predicted confidence intervals!

2.4 Examples

I’ve provided two data sets:
1) 18e4MoleRatLayabouts.csv looking at how caste and mass affect the energy mole rates expend.

  1. 18q11ExploitedLarvalFish.csv looking at how status of a marine area - protected or not - influences the CV around age of maturity of a number of different fish (so, age is a predictor)

Using the following workflow, analyze these data sets.

# Load the data

# Perform a preliminary visualization

# Fit a model

# Test Assumptions and modify model if needed

# Evaluate results

# Post-hocs if you can

# Visualize results

3. Interacting Categorical Variables

Going with that previous intertidal example, if you really looked, it was a factorial design, with multiple treatments and conditions.

intertidal <- read.csv("./data/18e3IntertidalAlgae.csv")

       mapping = aes(x = herbivores, y = sqrtarea,
                     fill = height)) +

3.1 Fit and Assumption Evaluation

We fit factorial models using one of two different notations - both expand to the same thing

intertidal_lm <- lm(sqrtarea ~ herbivores + height + herbivores:height, data=intertidal)

intertidal_lm <- lm(sqrtarea ~ herbivores*height, data=intertidal)

Both mean the same thing as : is the interaction. * just means, expand all the interactions.

But, after that’s done…all of the assumption tests are the same. Try them out.


3.2 Post-Hocs

Post-hocs are a bit funnier. But not by much. As we have an interaction, let’s look at the simple effects. There are a few ways we can do this

emmeans(intertidal_lm, ~ herbivores + height)
 herbivores height emmean   SE df lower.CL upper.CL
 minus      low      32.9 3.86 60    25.20     40.6
 plus       low      10.4 3.86 60     2.69     18.1
 minus      mid      22.5 3.86 60    14.77     30.2
 plus       mid      25.6 3.86 60    17.84     33.3

Confidence level used: 0.95 
emmeans(intertidal_lm, ~ herbivores | height)
height = low:
 herbivores emmean   SE df lower.CL upper.CL
 minus        32.9 3.86 60    25.20     40.6
 plus         10.4 3.86 60     2.69     18.1

height = mid:
 herbivores emmean   SE df lower.CL upper.CL
 minus        22.5 3.86 60    14.77     30.2
 plus         25.6 3.86 60    17.84     33.3

Confidence level used: 0.95 
emmeans(intertidal_lm, ~ height | herbivores)
herbivores = minus:
 height emmean   SE df lower.CL upper.CL
 low      32.9 3.86 60    25.20     40.6
 mid      22.5 3.86 60    14.77     30.2

herbivores = plus:
 height emmean   SE df lower.CL upper.CL
 low      10.4 3.86 60     2.69     18.1
 mid      25.6 3.86 60    17.84     33.3

Confidence level used: 0.95 

Notice how each presents the information in a different way. The numbers are not different, they just show you information in different ways. The contrasts each reference grid implies do make s difference, though, in how p-value corrections for FWER is handled. Consider the first case.

emmeans(intertidal_lm, ~ herbivores + height) |>
  contrast(method = "pairwise")
 contrast              estimate   SE df t.ratio p.value
 minus low - plus low     22.51 5.45 60   4.128  0.0006
 minus low - minus mid    10.43 5.45 60   1.913  0.2336
 minus low - plus mid      7.36 5.45 60   1.350  0.5350
 plus low - minus mid    -12.08 5.45 60  -2.215  0.1307
 plus low - plus mid     -15.15 5.45 60  -2.778  0.0357
 minus mid - plus mid     -3.07 5.45 60  -0.563  0.9427

P value adjustment: tukey method for comparing a family of 4 estimates 

OK, cool. Every comparison is made. But what if we don’t want to do that? What if we just want to see if the herbivore effect differs by height?

emmeans(intertidal_lm, ~ herbivores | height) |>
  contrast(method = "pairwise")
height = low:
 contrast     estimate   SE df t.ratio p.value
 minus - plus    22.51 5.45 60   4.128  0.0001

height = mid:
 contrast     estimate   SE df t.ratio p.value
 minus - plus    -3.07 5.45 60  -0.563  0.5758

Notice that, because we’re only doing two contrasts, the correction is not as extreme. This method of contrasts might be more what you are interested in given your question. We can also see how this works visuall.

cont <- emmeans(intertidal_lm, ~ herbivores | height) |>
  contrast(method = "pairwise")

plot(cont) +
  geom_vline(xintercept = 0, color = "red", lty = 2)

1.3 A Kelpy example

Let’s just jump right in with an example, as you should have all of this well in your bones by now. This was from a kelp, predator-diversity experiment I ran ages ago. Note, some things that you want to be factors might be loaded as

kelp <- read_csv("lab/data/kelp_pred_div_byrnesetal2006.csv")

## Check and correct for non-character
## variables - (TRIAL!)
## (this is some dplyr fun)

________(data = _____,
         aes(Treatment, Porp_Change, fill=Trial)) +

kelp_lm <- __(______ ~ ______ * _____, data=________)


# look at the model

# how well did we explain the data?

#Pairwise Comparison of simple effects
emmeans(_______, specs = ~ __________ |___________) |>
  contrast(method = "________")

3.4 Replicated Regression and mixing Categorical and Continuous Variables

So…. the above was actually a replicated regression design. This is a design where you have continuous treatments, but you replicate at each treatment level. There are a few ways to deal with this. Note the column Predator_Diversity

Try this whole thing as a model with diversity as a continuous predictor an interaction by trial. What do you see?

Note - this is a great time to try out emmeans::emtrends().

Make a new column that is Predator_Diversity as a factor. Refit the factorial ANOVA with this as your treatment. Now try a pairwise test. What do you see? Visualize both. How do they give you different information? What would you conclude?

4. Interaction Effects in MLR

Let’s use the keeley fire severity plant richness data to see it Multiple Linear Regression with interaction effects action.



For our purposes, we’ll focus on fire severity and plot age as predictors of richness.

4.1 Explore and Model

What if there was an interaction here? One reasonable hypothesis is that fires affect stands of different ages differently. So, let’s look at richness as a function of age and fire severity. First, we’ll visualize, then fit a model.

       aes(x = age, y = rich, color = firesev)) +
  geom_point(size = 2) +
  scale_color_viridis_c(option = "B") +
  facet_wrap(~cut_number(firesev, 4))

Huh. Kinda looks like age doesn’t have any effect until high fire severity.

keeley_mlr_int <- lm(rich ~ age * firesev, data=keeley)

4.2 Assumptions

The assumptions here are the same as for MLR - normality of residuals, homoscedasticity, the relationship should not be driven by outliers alone, and, of course, lack of collinearity. Let’s explore the first few.


Also, excellent. Now, the vif…

there are higher-order terms (interactions) in this model
consider setting type = 'predictor'; see ?vif
        age     firesev age:firesev 
   7.967244    4.879394   15.800768 

Oh hey! It tells us there’s a problem with interactions. I like performance’s solution even more.

Model has interaction terms. VIFs might be inflated.
  You may check multicollinearity among predictors of a model without
  interaction terms.
# Check for Multicollinearity

Low Correlation

    Term  VIF     VIF 95% CI Increased SE Tolerance Tolerance 95% CI
 firesev 4.88 [ 3.52,  6.98]         2.21      0.20     [0.14, 0.28]

Moderate Correlation

 Term  VIF     VIF 95% CI Increased SE Tolerance Tolerance 95% CI
  age 7.97 [ 5.62, 11.51]         2.82      0.13     [0.09, 0.18]

High Correlation

        Term   VIF     VIF 95% CI Increased SE Tolerance Tolerance 95% CI
 age:firesev 15.80 [10.95, 23.01]         3.98      0.06     [0.04, 0.09]

Let’s look at the correlation between the predictors to see if there really is a problem.

keeley %>% select(firesev, age) %>%
  mutate(int = firesev*age) %>%
          firesev       age       int
firesev 1.0000000 0.4538654 0.7743624
age     0.4538654 1.0000000 0.8687952
int     0.7743624 0.8687952 1.0000000

OK, the interaction is pretty highly correlated with age. But, well, again, not really a problem unless it is for the algorithm you are working with. We can instead look at the age-firesev correlation, which is only 0.45. We’re fine.

4.3 Centering?

Well, if we did want to worry about this - or were using an algorithm that choked - one way to break that correlation is to center our predictors before using them in the relationship. It changes the meaning of the coefficients, but, the model results are the same. Let’s try that here.

keeley <- keeley %>%
  mutate(firesev_c = firesev - mean(firesev),
         age_c = age - mean(age))

keeley_mlr_int_c <- lm(rich ~ age_c * firesev_c, data=keeley)

there are higher-order terms (interactions) in this model
consider setting type = 'predictor'; see ?vif
          age_c       firesev_c age_c:firesev_c 
       1.261883        1.261126        1.005983 

We see the vif is now small. Moreover…

keeley %>% select(firesev_c, age_c) %>%
  mutate(int = firesev_c*age_c) %>%
            firesev_c       age_c         int
firesev_c  1.00000000  0.45386536 -0.06336909
age_c      0.45386536  1.00000000 -0.06792114
int       -0.06336909 -0.06792114  1.00000000

Look at that correlation melt away. We’re still explaining variation in the same way. Let’s see how the coefficients differ.

(Intercept)         age     firesev age:firesev 
 42.9352358   0.8268119   3.1056379  -0.2302444 
    (Intercept)           age_c       firesev_c age_c:firesev_c 
     51.3790453      -0.2242540      -2.7809451      -0.2302444 

So, in the no interaction model, the intercept is the richness when age and firesev are 0. The age and firesev effects are their effect when the other is 0, respectively. And the interaction is how they modify one another. Note that in the centered model, the interaction is the same. But, now the intercept is the richness at the average level of both predictors, and the additive predictors are the effects of each predictor at the average level of the other.

4.4 Evaluate

Given the lack of difference between the two models, we’re going to work with the original one. We’ve seen the coefficients and talked about their interpretation. The rest of the output can be interpreted as usual for a linear model.

# A tibble: 4 × 5
  term        estimate std.error statistic     p.value
  <chr>          <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>       <dbl>
1 (Intercept)   42.9      7.85        5.47 0.000000437
2 age            0.827    0.313       2.64 0.00981    
3 firesev        3.11     1.86        1.67 0.0992     
4 age:firesev   -0.230    0.0641     -3.59 0.000548   

Not that it doesn’t look like fire severity has an effect when age is 0. But what does age = 0 really mean? This is one reason by often the centered model is more interpretable.

So, how do we understand the interaction?

We can do things like calculate out the effect of one predictor at different levels of the other…

tibble(age = 0:10) %>%
  mutate(fire_effect = coef(keeley_mlr_int)[3] + coef(keeley_mlr_int)[4]*age)
# A tibble: 11 × 2
     age fire_effect
   <int>       <dbl>
 1     0       3.11 
 2     1       2.88 
 3     2       2.65 
 4     3       2.41 
 5     4       2.18 
 6     5       1.95 
 7     6       1.72 
 8     7       1.49 
 9     8       1.26 
10     9       1.03 
11    10       0.803

But this can be unsatisfying, and we have to propogate error and - ECH. Why not try and create something more intuitive…

4.5 Visualize Results

Fundamentally, we have to create visualizations that look at different levels of both predictors somehow. There are a number of strategies.

4.5.1 Visreg

We can begin by looking at the effect of one variable at different levels of the other.

visreg(keeley_mlr_int, "age", "firesev", gg=TRUE)

Here we see a plot where the points are adjusted for different levels of fireseverity - an even split between three levels - and then we see the resulting fit lines. We can of course reverse this, if we’re ore interested in the other effect.

visreg(keeley_mlr_int, "firesev", "age", gg=TRUE)

Both tell a compelling story of changing slopes that are easily understood. For example, in the later, fire has a stronger effect on older stands.

4.5.2 Fitted Model under Different Conditions

We might want to roll our own, however, and see the plot with different slices of the data. Fortunately, we can use the identical strategy as our MLR above - only now the slope changes. So, using the same strategy as above for making predicted data frames:

k_int_explore <- data_grid(keeley,
                               firesev = seq_range(firesev, 100),
                               age = seq_range(age, 4)) |>
  augment(keeley_mlr_int, newdata = _, interval = "confidence") |>
  rename(rich = .fitted)

Notice the lack of difference. We can now play with how we want to plot this. Here’s one, but you can come up with others easily.

       aes(x = firesev, y = rich, color = age)) + 
  geom_point() +
  geom_line(data = k_int_explore, aes(group = age)) +
  geom_ribbon(data = k_int_explore, aes(ymin = .lower, ymax = .upper), alpha = 0.2, color = NA) +
  facet_wrap(~cut_interval(age,4)) +
  scale_color_viridis_c(option = "D")

4.5.3 Surface Plot of Model

Finally, a surface plot can be very helpful - particularly under a condition of many interactions. To make a surface plot, we can look at the model and exract values at the intersection of multiple predictors and then visualize a grid where color or some other property reflects predicted values. It lets us see more nuance about an interaction. Let’s start with getting our surface values for a 100x100 grid of predictors.

keeley_surface <- data_grid(keeley,
                            age = seq_range(age, 100),
                            firesev = seq_range(firesev, 100)) |>
  augment(keeley_mlr_int, newdata = _) |>
  rename(rich = .fitted)

Now, we can plot this grid using geom_raster or geom_tile (raster will smooth things a bit).

       aes(x = age, y = firesev, fill = rich)) +
  geom_raster() +
  scale_fill_viridis_c(option = "B")

Now we can see the landscape more clearly. old stands with high fire severity have low richness. However, either youth or low fire severity means higher richness. This kind of technique can be great with higher order interactions. For example, you can facet by up to two variables (or more) to examine higher order interactions, etc.

Also note, if you want to be lazy, you can do this with visreg for two variables

visreg2d(keeley_mlr_int, "age", "firesev")

Last, what about a REAL surface? We can use plotly to help us here.


surf_plotly <- plot_ly(x=~age, y=~firesev, z=~rich, 
        type="scatter3d", mode="surface",  
        data = keeley_surface, color = ~firesev)


And if we want to add data points to it…

surf_plotly |>
  add_markers(data = keeley, 
              x=~age, y=~firesev, z=~rich,
              color = I("black"))

4.6 Examples

OK, here are two datasets to work with. Choose one, and play around with possible interactions using ggplot. Then fit and evaluate a model!

  1. planktonSummary.csv showing plankton from Lake Biakal (thanks, Stephanie Hampton). Evluate how Chlorophyll (CHLFa) is affected by other predictors.

  2. Data on plant species richness in grazed salt marsh meadows in Finland. Meadows are grazed or ungrazed. see ?piecewiseSEM::meadows to learn more. To load:

data(meadows, package = "piecewiseSEM")
  1. If you are tired of biology, see data(tips, package = "reshape") which looks at factors which might influence the tips given to one waiter over a few months. See ?reshape:tips.
# Load the data

# Perform a preliminary visualization. Play with this and choose two predictors

# Fit a MLR model with an interaction

# Test Asssumptions and modify model if needed

# Evaluate results

# Visualize results