Believe it or not, despite all of the complexity under the hood, fitting a linear model in R with least squares is quite simple with a straightfoward workflow.
Let’s go through each step with an example of seals. Are older seals larger?
OK, this should be second nature by now. Load it. Make a plot of just the data.
theme_set(theme_bw(base_size = 16))
seals <- read.csv("lab/data/17e8ShrinkingSeals Trites 1996.csv")
seal_base <- ggplot(seals, aes(x=age.days, +
Neat data set, no?
Now, looking at this from the get-go, we can see it’s likely nonlinear. Maybe even non-normal! Let’s ignore that for now, as it will make the results great fodder for our diagnostics!
OK, so, you have the data. And in your model, you want to see how age is a predictor of length. How do you fit it?
Nothing could be simpler. R has a function called lm()
which stands for linear model. It works just like base plot, with the
y ~ x
syntax. And we create a fit model object.
seal_lm <- lm( ~ age.days, data=seals)
That’s it.
Now, if we want to just peak at the fit, before going forward, we can
use coef()
which is pretty standard across all R fit model
(Intercept) age.days
1.157668e+02 2.370559e-03
But that’s getting ahead of ourselves…
There are a number of base R ways to test assumptions. I’ll show some
to reference them, but, really, the easystats::performance
library is where it is at to check them all. I’ll go over pieces one by
one, but, the check_model()
function is your one stop shop.
Let’s look at it briefly here before digging into details.
There’s a corresponding base method, but I like this one better
par(mfrow = c(2,2))
Yes, we can simulate by hand (maybe on the homework)! but, the
function will run simulations for us to
look at. Let’s do it with 100 iterations.
iterations = 100)
Nice! The model and data match very well.
There are a lot of ways we might want to look at the fit and
residual. Looking at the raw fitted versus residual value is a great
check for linearity. There should be no pattern to the result. We do get
this in the main check_model()
- but right now there’s not
a simple function to get this in performance
alone. So, we
can do it ourselves with the excellent modelr package!
seals <- seals |>
add_predictions(seal_lm) |>
This is useful, as we can do a LOT of things on our own with predictions and residuals. For the moment, lets plot them with a spline to aid in visualization!
mapping = aes(x = pred, y = resid)) +
geom_point() +
Or, you can do this with a part of check_model()
check_model(seal_lm, check = "ncv") |> plot()
Note anything odd? It is a little football shaped. This could be a nonlinearity, or not quite fitting into a normal distribution with a constant variance. Let’s explore those!
Time for my favorite set of plots - looking at the density of the
residuals and the qq plot. These are both produced by the same function
in performance - check_normality()
and only differ in how
we call the plot method.
check_normality(seal_lm) |> plot()
Well that looks PRETTY good. A but flat at the top, but overall, wow. Let’s check out the qq plot
check_normality(seal_lm) |> plot(type = "qq")
Again, no real problems.
We might suspect heteroskedasticity, and we can dig deeper into that by looking at the fitted v. sart(abs(std. residuals)) relationship. In essence, for a standardized residual (q) of point i
\(q_i = r_i/s^2\)
This scales the residuals by the std dev, so that they should be closer to a standard normal, and therefore easier to see deviations. Square-rooting also reduces the effects of large swings in residuals.
check_heteroscedasticity(seal_lm) |>
This - looks pretty good. If we are really worried about our fit-residual plot, it might therefore be more worth investigating nonlinearity. Still, other things might be afoot, such as
We can first look at Cook’s D for each individual data point and see if any of those should be flagged. The Cook’s D values
plot(seal_lm, which=4)
All quite small!
check_outliers(seal_lm) |> plot(type = "bar")
These are standardized to 1, but, if anything was bad,
would flag it. Same pattern of no real pattern,
If we want to combine it with where a variable is located to look at the leverage plot
check_outliers(seal_lm) |> plot()
Eh, just fine!
OK, ok, everything looks fine. Now, what are the implications of the model?
We can get a lot of information from summary()
- just
like looking at any R object.
lm(formula = ~ age.days, data = seals)
Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
-19.8700 -3.8279 0.0304 3.7541 21.6874
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 1.158e+02 1.764e-01 656.37 <2e-16 ***
age.days 2.371e-03 4.467e-05 53.06 <2e-16 ***
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
Residual standard error: 5.681 on 9663 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared: 0.2256, Adjusted R-squared: 0.2256
F-statistic: 2816 on 1 and 9663 DF, p-value: < 2.2e-16
This is a lot of information to drink in - function call, distribution of residuals, coefficient estimates and error, and multiple pieces of information about total fit.
We may want to get this information in a more condensed form for use
in other contexts - particularly to compare against other models. For
that, there’s a wonderful packages called broom
that sweeps
up your model into easy digestable pieces.
First, the coefficient table - let’s make it pretty.
# A tibble: 2 × 5
term estimate std.error statistic p.value
<chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 (Intercept) 116. 0.176 656. 0
2 age.days 0.00237 0.0000447 53.1 0
Nice. Very tidy, and easy to use. We can also lop off those last two columns if we do not want them.
If we want to get information about fit, there’s
# A tibble: 1 × 12
r.squared adj.r.sq…¹ sigma stati…² p.value df logLik AIC BIC devia…³
<dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 0.226 0.226 5.68 2816. 0 1 -30502. 61009. 61031. 311807.
# … with 2 more variables: df.residual <int>, nobs <int>, and abbreviated
# variable names ¹adj.r.squared, ²statistic, ³deviance
That’s…. a lot. But, it’s all sorted well.
Of course, performance
can give us some of this as well,
but not in a tidy format.
# Indices of model performance
AIC | BIC | R2 | R2 (adj.) | RMSE | Sigma
61009.052 | 61030.581 | 0.226 | 0.226 | 5.680 | 5.681
This goes well in Markdown. But, you can use lots of things to put a table into markdown, so, meh.
Lovely! Now, how do we visualize the fit and fit prediction error?
In ggplot2
we can use the smoother,
in conjunction with method = "lm"
to get the job done.
seal_fit_plot <- ggplot(data=seals) +
aes(x=age.days, +
geom_point() +
Note - you cannot see the fit interval because our SE is so small with such a large N.
What about prediction intervals? There are a few different ways to do
this. We can kludge something together with predict()
our basic stats package in R. We can use
. Or we can use
which gives a wealth of information. I
really like broom::augment()
because it also works to give
a lot of raw info on the fit model itself.
augment(seal_lm) |> head()
# A tibble: 6 × 8 age.days .fitted .resid .hat .sigma .cooksd .std.resid
<int> <int> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 131 5337 128. 2.58 0.000263 5.68 0.0000272 0.455
2 123 2081 121. 2.30 0.000272 5.68 0.0000223 0.405
3 122 2085 121. 1.29 0.000271 5.68 0.00000700 0.227
4 136 4299 126. 10.0 0.000123 5.68 0.000193 1.77
5 122 2861 123. -0.549 0.000150 5.68 0.000000701 -0.0966
6 131 5052 128. 3.26 0.000212 5.68 0.0000348 0.573
And it’s nice and tidy!
For new data, though, we need to start by making a new data frame, and go from there. You can make it yourself:
pred_frame <- data.frame(
age.days = min(seals$age.days):max(seals$age.days))
Or use modelr::data_grid()
do it for you based on the
properties of the data. This function can be REALLY convenient when it
comes to generating predictions over lots of different predictors -
we’ll see those in two weeks!
pred_frame <- seals |>
data_grid(age.days = seq_range(age.days, 100))
This is nice as you can have a more tidy workflow. Now, let’s see
in action
seal_pred <- pred_frame |>
augment(x = seal_lm,
data = .,
interval = "prediction")
# A tibble: 6 × 4
age.days .fitted .lower .upper
<dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 958 118. 107. 129.
2 1033. 118. 107. 129.
3 1107. 118. 107. 130.
4 1182. 119. 107. 130.
5 1257. 119. 108. 130.
6 1331. 119. 108. 130.
Nice! We have upper and lower CIs for prediction!
We can then add this to our plot using the geom_ribbon
which takes a ymin
and ymax
argument to
generate a ribbon - like the fit standard error ribbon.
seal_fit_plot +
mapping=aes(y = .fitted,
fill="grey", alpha=0.4) +
Now we can better see the prediction 95% interval - and that we do
have some points that fall outside of it. Note, we can pass an argument
to see things other than the 95%
Fist, the relationship between how lean you are and how quickly you lose fat. Implement this to get a sense ot the general workflow for analysis
fat <- read.csv("lab/data/17q04BodyFatHeatLoss Sloan and Keatinge 1973 replica.csv")
# initial visualization to determine if lm is appropriate
fat_plot <- ggplot(data=fat, aes(x=leanness, y=lossrate)) +
# fit the model
fat_mod <- lm(lossrate ~ leanness, data=fat)
# assumptions
# look at parameters
# plot with line and prediction CI
fat_plot +
stat_smooth(method = lm, formula = y ~ x)
For your first faded example, let’s look at the relationship between DEET and mosquito bites.
deet <- read.csv("lab/data/17q24DEETMosquiteBites.csv")
# initial visualization to determine if lm is appropriate
deet_plot <- ggplot(data=___,
mapping = aes(x=dose, y=bites)) +
# fit the model
deet_mod <- lm(___ ~ ___, data=deet)
# assumptions
#look at parameters
#plot with line
deet_plot +
stat_smooth(method = lm, formula = y~x)
One of the most common reasons for a linear model to not fit is a nonlinearity in the data generating process. Often in nature we encounter exponential processes with a log-normal error structure. This is common in count data. Now, really, it’s often a poisson distributed variable, but, to a first approximation, log-transformation can often help fix what ails your model and give you reasonable estimates for our tests. We’ll talk later in the course about why this isn’t the best idea, and why you should start with a nonlinear/non-normal model to begin with.
Let’s practice the workflow of how we handle this log transformation.
We might suspect that the relationship was nonlinear. Let’s see how a
simple log transform works here. Note the modifications to model fitting
and stat_smooth
# fit the model
deet_mod_log <- lm(log(bites) ~ dose, data = deet)
# assumptions
# look at parameters
# plot with line
deet_plot +
scale_y_continuous(trans="log") +
stat_smooth(method=lm, formula=y~x)
You might want to plot the nonlinear curve on the original scale.
This doesn’t work great in ggplot2 for transforms of the y variable.
But, we can have broom::augment()
come to our rescue again
and do the work of back-transforming the fitted values and CIs.
# make a data frame for the curve, then add y values and CI
log_curve <- data_grid(deet,
dose = seq_range(dose, n = 100)) |>
augment(x = deet_mod_log,
data = .,
interval = "confidence") |>
mutate(across(c(.fitted:.upper), exp))
# now plot
deet_plot +
geom_line(data = log_curve,
mapping = aes(y = .fitted)) +
geom_ribbon(data = log_curve,
mapping = aes(y = .fitted,
ymin = .lower,
ymax = .upper),
alpha = 0.5)
As I mentioned in class, this doesn’t always work well if we have 0 values. We might want the inverse hyperbolic sine - see Bellemare and Wichman. Remember
\(asinh(x) = log(x + \sqrt{x^2 + 1}\)
Which, hey, if x = 0, asinh(0) = 0. Further, the coefficients have approximately the same meaning - \(exp(\beta_1)-1 \approx\) percent change in y for 1 unit change in x (this is called a semi-elasticity). Let’s look at the difference between the two transformations.
# A tibble: 2 × 5
term estimate std.error statistic p.value
<chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 (Intercept) 1.48 0.147 10.1 1.22e-13
2 dose -0.184 0.0402 -4.57 3.25e- 5
lm(asinh(bites) ~ dose, data = deet) |>
# A tibble: 2 × 5
term estimate std.error statistic p.value
<chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 (Intercept) 2.15 0.129 16.7 4.47e-22
2 dose -0.162 0.0353 -4.58 3.14e- 5
Close-ish, no? Take a look at check_model()
and let me
know what you see.
Do species with larger home ranges have higher mortality rates in zoos? Let’s test this!
zoo <- read.csv("lab/data/17q02ZooMortality Clubb and Mason 2003 replica.csv")
# initial visualization to determine if lm is appropriate
zoo_plot <- ggplot(data=___, aes(x=mortality, y=homerange)) +
# fit the model
zoo_mod <- lm(___, data=___)
#look at of parameters
#plot with line - is there a transform you want?
zoo_plot +
stat_smooth(method=___, formula=___)
That definitely wasn’t linear. Look at that outlier! Let’s log our y and see how things change.
#fit the model
zoo_mod_log <- lm(___(___) ~ ___, ___=___)
# assumptions
# look at of parameters
#plot with line
zoo_plot +
___(method=___, formula=___)
Fantastic. As a final exercise, redo the above, but with the
transformation (whose inverse is
) and then plot the fitted curve and CI on the