Writing Reusable Code with Functions

Let’s say you want to do this…

  1. Start with sample sizes 3 through 5, and a population mean, and SD.

  2. Run 1000 simulations.

  3. For each simulation, calculate a mean, and then get the SE of the mean.

  4. Have it all appear in a data frame with sample size and SE.

You could….

m <- 5
s <- 2

my_df <- data.frame(samp_size = 3:5,
                    se = rep(NA, 3))

my_df$se[1] <- sd(replicate(1000, 
                            mean(rnorm(my_df$samp_size[1], m, s))))
my_df$se[2] <- sd(replicate(1000, 
                            mean(rnorm(my_df$samp_size[2], m, s))))
my_df$se[3] <- sd(replicate(1000, 
                            mean(rnorm(my_df$samp_size[3], m, s))))

(yes, this is pre-dplyr)

So….What is wrong here?

m <- 5
s <- 2

my_df <- data.frame(samp_size = 3:5,
                    se = rep(NA, 3))

my_df$se[1] <- sd(replicate(1000, 
                            mean(rnorm(my_df$samp_size[1], m, s))))
my_df$se[2] <- sd(replicate(1000, 
                            mean(rnorm(my_df$samp_size[2], m, s))))
my_df$se[3] <- sd(replicate(1000, 
                            mean(rnorm(my_df$samp_size[3], m, s))))

Some wrong things

  1. Copy-pasting is error prone

  2. Repeated code can get long

  3. Not scalable

  4. You were doing 4 things in each line of code! Unreadable?



  1. Write code for each individual sample size
    • Lots of copy-paste
    • What about if you have a different mean and SD?
  2. Iterate over indices somhow?
    • Only good for this one case - fragile code

A Funcitonal Outline

  1. Intro to Functions

  2. Modular Programming

When to write a function

“You should consider writing a function whenever you’ve copied and pasted a block of code more than twice”

- H. Wickham


df <- tibble::tibble(
  a = rnorm(10),
  b = rnorm(10),
  c = rnorm(10),
  d = rnorm(10)

df$a <- (df$a - min(df$a, na.rm = TRUE)) / 
  (max(df$a, na.rm = TRUE) - min(df$a, na.rm = TRUE))
df$b <- (df$b - min(df$b, na.rm = TRUE)) / 
  (max(df$b, na.rm = TRUE) - min(df$a, na.rm = TRUE))
df$c <- (df$c - min(df$c, na.rm = TRUE)) / 
  (max(df$c, na.rm = TRUE) - min(df$c, na.rm = TRUE))
df$d <- (df$d - min(df$d, na.rm = TRUE)) / 
  (max(df$d, na.rm = TRUE) - min(df$d, na.rm = TRUE))

What is a function?

my_cool_function <- function(arguments){
  something_to_give_back <- do_things(arguments)

What is a function?

  1. A new object
  2. A call identifying this as a function
  3. One or more arguments
  4. The body of the function
  5. A return statement that gives something back to the user (if needed)

What is a function?

add_one <- function(x){
  ret_value <- x + 1

What is a function?

add_one <- function(x){
  ret_value <- x + 1

[1] 4

Simpler ways of writing functions

add_one <- function(x){

Super short!

add_one <- function(x) x+1

Let’s write some functions

add_one <- function(x){
  ret_value <- x + 1

[1] 4

Let’s write some functions

square_root <- function(___){
  ret_value <- sqrt(___)


Should return 4

Let’s write some functions

max_minus_min <- _______(___){
  ret_value <- ___(___) - ___(___)

[1] 7

On arguments

Functions can take many arguments:

my_function <- function(x, y, z, q)

These can be of any object type

Arguments can have default values

add_values <- function(x, y=0){



[1] 3

You can have … to pass many arguments

make_mean <- function(a_vector, ...){
  sum_vector <- sum(a_vector, ...)
  n <- length(a_vector)

make_mean(c(4,5,6), na.rm=TRUE)
[1] 5


Write a function and paste it into the etherpad that

  1. Takes a vector and sums it up after it squares it
    • use c(4,5,6) to test (= 77)
  2. Takes a number and combine it into a string with the word “elephants” using paste().
    • 1 elephants, 2 elephants, 15 elephants
  3. Takes a number, a string, and a separator and combines them
    • my_function(3, “hello”, “-”) makes “3 - hello”

EC. Write a function that takes a sample size, mean, SD, and number of sims, and returns a data frame with a mean and SE of said mean. Have it default to 100 sims.

Why are we doing this to ourselves?

A Function For Sampling

mean_and_se_sim <- function(n, m, s, sims = 100){
  samps <- replicate(sims, rnorm(n, m, s))
  means <- colMeans (samps)
  out <- data.frame(mean = mean(means),
                    se_mean = sd(means))

mean_and_se_sim(n = 5, m = 10, s = 3)
      mean  se_mean
1 10.00506 1.227011

How did I build that function?

  1. OK, what’s normally going to change
    • Sample size, mean, and SD
  2. BUT - what could change under some circumstances?
    • number of simulations
  3. Write some test code

Test Code

# define a sample size, mean, and SD

# draw samples

# calculate means from samples

# create a data frame with mean and se of the mean

# return

Test Code

# define a sample size, mean, and SD
n <- 5
m <-10
s <- 3
sims <- 100

# draw samples
samps <- replicate(sims, rnorm(n, m, s))

# calculate means from samples
means <- colMeans (samps)

# create a data frame with mean and se of the mean
out <- data.frame(mean = mean(means),
                    se_mean = sd(means))
# return

One Function

mean_and_se_sim <- function(n, m, s, sims = 100){
  samps <- replicate(sims, rnorm(n, m, s))
  means <- colMeans (samps)
  out <- data.frame(mean = mean(means),
                    se_mean = sd(means))

mean_and_se_sim(n = 5, m = 10, s = 3)
      mean  se_mean
1 10.10823 1.270329

A Funcitonal Outline

  1. Intro to Functions

  2. Modular Programming

Problems with Our Function

  1. Two lines to get a bootstrapped mean?

  2. Why only mean? Can we generalize?

What to do? Modularize!

mean_and_se_sim <- function(n, m, s, sims = 100){
  samps <- replicate(sims, rnorm(n, m, s))
  means <- colMeans (samps)
  out <- data.frame(mean = mean(means),
                    se_mean = sd(means))

mean_and_se_sim(n = 5, m = 10, s = 3)

What to do? Modularize!

get_samp_rep <- function(n, m, s){
  samp <- rnorm(n, m, s)

mean_and_se_sim <- function(n, m, s, sims = 100){

  means <- replicate(sims, get_samp_rep(n, m, s))
  out <- data.frame(mean = mean(means),
                    se_mean = sd(means))

Wait, what is this modular madness?

  • Our code is now composed of modular pieces

  • This means each modular function can be used in other contexts

    • Enhances code flexibility and future reuse
  • It also means it is easier to find where our code has gone wrong

    • Easier to test and debug
  • AND - we don’t get lost writing one honking single function

How to write complex functions/piplines

  1. Start with a wrapper

    • Write out the steps of what you want to do in comments
    • Pair those with functions using “snake case” clean_data
    • Use %>% for efficiency/readability!
  2. Write the subfunctions

    • Repeat the toplevel comments anf functions
  3. Continue until you have the lowest level atomized functions

  4. Test THOSE functions. Then test up the chain….

Reality Check

Yes, sometimes you will write long functions - as long as they are simple and readable, meh

What to do? Generalize!

get_samp_rep <- function(n, m, s, fun = mean){
  samp <- rnorm(n, m, s)

stat_and_se_sim <- function(n, m, s, 
                            fun = mean, sims = 100){

  vals <- replicate(sims, get_samp_rep(n, m, s, fun))
  out <- data.frame(stat = mean(vals),
                    se_stat = sd(vals))

Does it blend?

mean_and_se_sim(n = 5, m = 10, s = 3)
      mean se_mean
1 10.03388 1.35743
stat_and_se_sim(n = 5, m = 10, s = 3)
      stat  se_stat
1 9.976402 1.302295

Does it blend?

stat_and_se_sim(n = 5, m = 10, s = 3)
      stat  se_stat
1 9.971158 1.507131
stat_and_se_sim(n = 5, m = 10, s = 3, fun = median)
      stat  se_stat
1 9.750696 1.665079
stat_and_se_sim(n = 5, m = 10, s = 3, fun = sd)
      stat  se_stat
1 2.820404 1.023062

Putting it All Together with Dplyr


data.frame(samp_size = 5:10) %>%
  rowwise(samp_size) %>%
  summarize(stat_and_se_sim(n = 5, m = 10, s = 3, fun = sd)) %>%
  rename(s = stat, se_s = se_stat)
# A tibble: 6 x 3
# Groups:   samp_size [6]
  samp_size     s  se_s
      <int> <dbl> <dbl>
1         5  2.89 0.980
2         6  2.71 0.929
3         7  2.78 1.02 
4         8  2.81 0.952
5         9  2.75 1.10 
6        10  2.72 0.993

Final Exercises

  1. Write a function that will get the mean, sd, median, and IQR of a sample of a population.

  2. Write a function that uses this to get 1K resampled values to get the statistic and its SE.

  3. Wrap it all in dplyr magick to get these statistics for sample sizes 3:5, means 2:5, and sd 1:3. Use tidyr::crossing to make the initial data frame.