Start with sample sizes 3 through 5, and a population mean, and SD.
Run 1000 simulations.
For each simulation, calculate a mean, and then get the SE of the mean.
Have it all appear in a data frame with sample size and SE.
m <- 5
s <- 2
my_df <- data.frame(samp_size = 3:5,
se = rep(NA, 3))
my_df$se[1] <- sd(replicate(1000,
mean(rnorm(my_df$samp_size[1], m, s))))
my_df$se[2] <- sd(replicate(1000,
mean(rnorm(my_df$samp_size[2], m, s))))
my_df$se[3] <- sd(replicate(1000,
mean(rnorm(my_df$samp_size[3], m, s))))
(yes, this is pre-dplyr)
Copy-pasting is error prone
Repeated code can get long
Not scalable
You were doing 4 things in each line of code! Unreadable?
Intro to Functions
Modular Programming
“You should consider writing a function whenever you’ve copied and pasted a block of code more than twice”
- H. Wickham
df <- tibble::tibble(
a = rnorm(10),
b = rnorm(10),
c = rnorm(10),
d = rnorm(10)
df$a <- (df$a - min(df$a, na.rm = TRUE)) /
(max(df$a, na.rm = TRUE) - min(df$a, na.rm = TRUE))
df$b <- (df$b - min(df$b, na.rm = TRUE)) /
(max(df$b, na.rm = TRUE) - min(df$a, na.rm = TRUE))
df$c <- (df$c - min(df$c, na.rm = TRUE)) /
(max(df$c, na.rm = TRUE) - min(df$c, na.rm = TRUE))
df$d <- (df$d - min(df$d, na.rm = TRUE)) /
(max(df$d, na.rm = TRUE) - min(df$d, na.rm = TRUE))
[1] 4
[1] 4
Should return 4
max_minus_min <- _______(___){
ret_value <- ___(___) - ___(___)
[1] 7
Functions can take many arguments:
These can be of any object type
[1] 3
make_mean <- function(a_vector, ...){
sum_vector <- sum(a_vector, ...)
n <- length(a_vector)
make_mean(c(4,5,6), na.rm=TRUE)
[1] 5
Write a function and paste it into the etherpad that
to test (= 77)paste()
EC. Write a function that takes a sample size, mean, SD, and number of sims, and returns a data frame with a mean and SE of said mean. Have it default to 100 sims.
mean_and_se_sim <- function(n, m, s, sims = 100){
samps <- replicate(sims, rnorm(n, m, s))
means <- colMeans (samps)
out <- data.frame(mean = mean(means),
se_mean = sd(means))
mean_and_se_sim(n = 5, m = 10, s = 3)
mean se_mean
1 10.00506 1.227011
# define a sample size, mean, and SD
n <- 5
m <-10
s <- 3
sims <- 100
# draw samples
samps <- replicate(sims, rnorm(n, m, s))
# calculate means from samples
means <- colMeans (samps)
# create a data frame with mean and se of the mean
out <- data.frame(mean = mean(means),
se_mean = sd(means))
# return
mean_and_se_sim <- function(n, m, s, sims = 100){
samps <- replicate(sims, rnorm(n, m, s))
means <- colMeans (samps)
out <- data.frame(mean = mean(means),
se_mean = sd(means))
mean_and_se_sim(n = 5, m = 10, s = 3)
mean se_mean
1 10.10823 1.270329
Intro to Functions
Modular Programming
Two lines to get a bootstrapped mean?
Why only mean? Can we generalize?
Our code is now composed of modular pieces
This means each modular function can be used in other contexts
It also means it is easier to find where our code has gone wrong
AND - we don’t get lost writing one honking single function
Start with a wrapper
for efficiency/readability!Write the subfunctions
Continue until you have the lowest level atomized functions
Test THOSE functions. Then test up the chain….
Yes, sometimes you will write long functions - as long as they are simple and readable, meh
mean se_mean
1 10.03388 1.35743
stat se_stat
1 9.976402 1.302295
stat se_stat
1 9.971158 1.507131
stat se_stat
1 9.750696 1.665079
stat se_stat
1 2.820404 1.023062
data.frame(samp_size = 5:10) %>%
rowwise(samp_size) %>%
summarize(stat_and_se_sim(n = 5, m = 10, s = 3, fun = sd)) %>%
rename(s = stat, se_s = se_stat)
# A tibble: 6 x 3
# Groups: samp_size [6]
samp_size s se_s
<int> <dbl> <dbl>
1 5 2.89 0.980
2 6 2.71 0.929
3 7 2.78 1.02
4 8 2.81 0.952
5 9 2.75 1.10
6 10 2.72 0.993
Write a function that will get the mean, sd, median, and IQR of a sample of a population.
Write a function that uses this to get 1K resampled values to get the statistic and its SE.
Wrap it all in dplyr magick to get these statistics for sample sizes 3:5, means 2:5, and sd 1:3. Use tidyr::crossing to make the initial data frame.