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Many Types of Categories: Multi-Way and Factorial ANOVA

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3 / 57

Many Categorical Predictors = Fun!

  1. Combining Multiple Categorical Variables

  2. Analyzing a Multi-way Model

  3. Replicating Categorical Variable Combinations: Factorial Models

  4. The Implications of Interaction Effects

4 / 57

Effects of Stickleback Density on Zooplankton



5 / 57

More Than One Group with a Randomized Controlled Blocked Design


6 / 57

Effects of Stickleback Density on Zooplankton



Units placed across a lake so that 1 set of each treatment was ’blocked’ together

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Effects of Both Treatment and Block

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Multiway ANOVA

  • Many different treatment types
    • 2-Way ANOVA is for Treatment and block
    • 3-Way for, e.g., Sticklebacks, Nutrients, and block
    • 4-way, etc., all possible
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Multiway ANOVA

  • Many different treatment types
    • 2-Way ANOVA is for Treatment and block
    • 3-Way for, e.g., Sticklebacks, Nutrients, and block
    • 4-way, etc., all possible
  • Assumes treatments are fully orthogonal
    • Each type of treatment type A has all levels of treatment type B
    • E.g., Each stickleback treatment is present in each block
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Multiway ANOVA

  • Many different treatment types
    • 2-Way ANOVA is for Treatment and block
    • 3-Way for, e.g., Sticklebacks, Nutrients, and block
    • 4-way, etc., all possible
  • Assumes treatments are fully orthogonal
    • Each type of treatment type A has all levels of treatment type B
    • E.g., Each stickleback treatment is present in each block
  • Experiment is balanced for simple effects
    • Simple effect is the unique combination of two or more treatments
    • Balance implies the sample size for each treatment combination is the same
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Multiway ANOVA

  • Many different treatment types
    • 2-Way ANOVA is for Treatment and block
    • 3-Way for, e.g., Sticklebacks, Nutrients, and block
    • 4-way, etc., all possible
  • Assumes treatments are fully orthogonal
    • Each type of treatment type A has all levels of treatment type B
    • E.g., Each stickleback treatment is present in each block
  • Experiment is balanced for simple effects
    • Simple effect is the unique combination of two or more treatments
    • Balance implies the sample size for each treatment combination is the same
  • But, we can model even if unbalanced
    • Just need to adjust on how we evaluate the model
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Treatment Contrast Model for Multiway ANOVA/ANODEV/BANOVA



xi=0,1 xj=0,1

i = treatment type 1, j = treatment type 2, k = replicate β0 = reference treatment combination (i.e, control block 1)

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Treatment Contrast Model for Multiway ANOVA/ANODEV/BANOVA



xi=0,1 xj=0,1

i = treatment type 1, j = treatment type 2, k = replicate β0 = reference treatment combination (i.e, control block 1)

Or, with matrices, a general linear model...

\boldsymbol{Y} = \boldsymbol{\beta X} + \boldsymbol{\epsilon}

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What does a Multiple Category Model Look like in Data?


treatment zooplankton block
control 4.1 1
low 2.2 1
high 1.3 1
control 3.2 2
low 2.4 2
high 2.0 2
11 / 57

What does a Multiple Category Model Look like in Data?

Data Prepped for Model

(Intercept) treatmenthigh treatmentlow block2 block3 block4 block5
1 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 1 0 0 0 0
1 1 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0 1 0 0 0
1 0 1 1 0 0 0
1 1 0 1 0 0 0
12 / 57


Least Squares

zoop_lm <- lm(zooplankton ~ treatment + block,


zoop_glm <- glm(zooplankton ~ treatment + block,
family = gaussian(link = "identity"))


zoop_brm <- brm(zooplankton ~ treatment + block,
family = gaussian(link = "identity"),
chains = 2)
13 / 57

Assumptions of Multiway Anova

  • Independence of data points

  • Normality within groups (of residuals)

  • No relationship between fitted and residual values

  • Homoscedasticity (homogeneity of variance) of groups

  • Additivity of Treatments

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The Usual Suspects of Assumptions

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Group Residuals

We now want to look at both sets of categories to evaluate HOV

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Group Residuals

Levene Test for Treatment

term df statistic p.value
group 2 0.3315789 0.7241614

Levene Test for Block

term df statistic p.value
group 4 0.4241486 0.7880527
17 / 57

Tukey's Test of Non-additivity:

  • Our model is y_{ij} = \mu + \alpha_i + \beta_j + \epsilon_{ij}
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Tukey's Test of Non-additivity:

  • Our model is y_{ij} = \mu + \alpha_i + \beta_j + \epsilon_{ij}

  • But, if A and B are non-additive, results are incorrect.

    • Our model doesn't have an A*B term
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Tukey's Test of Non-additivity:

  • Our model is y_{ij} = \mu + \alpha_i + \beta_j + \epsilon_{ij}

  • But, if A and B are non-additive, results are incorrect.

    • Our model doesn't have an A*B term
  • We don't have the DF with n=1 per treatment combination to calculate an interaction, so...
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Tukey's Test of Non-additivity:

  • Our model is y_{ij} = \mu + \alpha_i + \beta_j + \epsilon_{ij}

  • But, if A and B are non-additive, results are incorrect.

    • Our model doesn't have an A*B term
  • We don't have the DF with n=1 per treatment combination to calculate an interaction, so...

  • Assume a model of y_{ij} = \mu + \alpha_i + \beta_j + \lambda\alpha_i\beta_j

18 / 57

Tukey's Test of Non-additivity:

  • Our model is y_{ij} = \mu + \alpha_i + \beta_j + \epsilon_{ij}

  • But, if A and B are non-additive, results are incorrect.

    • Our model doesn't have an A*B term
  • We don't have the DF with n=1 per treatment combination to calculate an interaction, so...

  • Assume a model of y_{ij} = \mu + \alpha_i + \beta_j + \lambda\alpha_i\beta_j

  • We can then test for SS_{AB} using \lambda\alpha_i\beta_j

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Tukey's Test of Non-additivity

Test stat Pr(>|Test stat|)
Tukey test 0.4742 0.6354
19 / 57

Many Categorical Predictors = Fun!

  1. Combining Multiple Categorical Variables

  2. Analyzing a Multi-way Model

  3. Replicating Categorical Variable Combinations: Factorial Models

  4. The Implications of Interaction Effects

20 / 57

What now?

  • Which categories are associated with variability in our response?

  • How much variability are we explaining?

  • Do we want to compare to simpler models for predictive ability?

  • Comparison of Means

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Hypotheses for Multiway ANOVA/ANODEV

TreatmentHo: \mu_{i1} = \mu{i2} = \mu{i3} = ...

Block Ho: \mu_{j1} = \mu{j2} = \mu{j3} = ...

i.e., The variane due to each treatment type is no different than noise

22 / 57

We Decompose Sums of Squares for Multiway ANOVA

SS_{Total} = SS_{Between A} + SS_{Between B} + SS_{Within}

  • Factors are Orthogonal and Balanced, so, Model SS can be split

    • F-Test using Mean Squares as Before
  • OR we compare y ~ a versus y ~ b to see if y ~ a + b has a higher likelihood

    • Can also be done with F tests
    • Useful if data is unbalanced (called type II comparison)
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Put it to the Test


term df sumsq meansq F p.value
treatment 2 6.857333 3.428667 16.365951 0.0014881
block 4 2.340000 0.585000 2.792363 0.1010308
Residuals 8 1.676000 0.209500

R^2 = 0.846

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Put it to the Test


term df sumsq meansq F p.value
treatment 2 6.857333 3.428667 16.365951 0.0014881
block 4 2.340000 0.585000 2.792363 0.1010308
Residuals 8 1.676000 0.209500

R^2 = 0.846


term LR Chisq df p.value
treatment 32.73190 2 0.0000001
block 11.16945 4 0.0247242
24 / 57

AIC Analysis of Alternate Models - the models

zoop_only_trt <- lm(zooplankton ~ treatment,
data = zoop)
zoop_only_block <- lm(zooplankton ~ block,
data = zoop)
zoop_nuts_matter <- lm(zooplankton ~
I(treatment !="control")+
data = zoop)
zoop_null <- lm(zooplankton ~ 1,
data = zoop)
25 / 57

AIC Analysis of Alternate Models - Predictive Ability

Modnames K AICc Delta_AICc AICcWt
2 Only trt 4 34.80170 0.000000 0.9781236
5 Null 2 42.74210 7.940404 0.0184568
4 Nuts or Control 7 46.49203 11.690333 0.0028305
1 All 8 49.69355 14.891854 0.0005710
3 Only Block 6 56.60710 21.805405 0.0000180
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How to evaluate effects of each treatment

  1. Examine means estimates
  1. Evaluate treatment after parcelling out effect of other treatment
  1. Evaluate treatment at the median or mean level of other treatment
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Evaluating Means

term estimate std.error statistic p.value
treatmentcontrol 3.42 0.3126766 10.9378182 0.0000043
treatmenthigh 1.78 0.3126766 5.6927826 0.0004582
treatmentlow 2.40 0.3126766 7.6756619 0.0000588
block2 0.00 0.3737200 0.0000000 1.0000000
block3 -0.70 0.3737200 -1.8730599 0.0979452
block4 -1.00 0.3737200 -2.6757998 0.0281084
block5 -0.30 0.3737200 -0.8027399 0.4453163
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Parcelling Out Second Treatment

Component-Residual Plots take examine unique effect of one treatment after removing influence of the other.

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Median Value of Second Treatment

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Comparison of Differences at Average of Other Treatment

contrast estimate lower.HPD upper.HPD
control - high 1.6222387 0.9075445 2.312269
control - low 1.0123920 0.3131533 1.743134
high - low -0.6112915 -1.3635940 0.095609

Can use whatever contrast style you'd like, and can do this for any set of categories

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Many Categorical Predictors = Fun!

  1. Combining Multiple Categorical Variables

  2. Analyzing a Multi-way Model

  3. Replicating Categorical Variable Combinations: Factorial Models

  4. The Implications of Interaction Effects

32 / 57

The world isn't additive

  • Until now, we have assumed factors combine additively - the effect of one is not dependent on the effect of the other
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The world isn't additive

  • Until now, we have assumed factors combine additively - the effect of one is not dependent on the effect of the other

  • BUT - what if the effect of one factor depends on another?

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The world isn't additive

  • Until now, we have assumed factors combine additively - the effect of one is not dependent on the effect of the other

  • BUT - what if the effect of one factor depends on another?

  • This is an INTERACTION and is quite common

33 / 57

The world isn't additive

  • Until now, we have assumed factors combine additively - the effect of one is not dependent on the effect of the other

  • BUT - what if the effect of one factor depends on another?

  • This is an INTERACTION and is quite common

  • Biology: The science of "It depends..."

33 / 57

The world isn't additive

  • Until now, we have assumed factors combine additively - the effect of one is not dependent on the effect of the other

  • BUT - what if the effect of one factor depends on another?

  • This is an INTERACTION and is quite common

  • Biology: The science of "It depends..."

  • This is challenging to think about and visualize, but if you can master it, you will go far!

33 / 57

Intertidal Grazing!


Do grazers reduce algal cover in the intertidal?

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Experiment Replicated on Two Ends of a gradient


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Factorial Experiment


36 / 57

Factorial Design


Note: You can have as many treatment types or observed category combinations as you want (and then 3-way, 4-way, etc. interactions)

37 / 57

The Data: See the dependency of one treatment on another?

38 / 57

If we had fit y ~ a + b, residuals look weird

A Tukey Non-Additivity Test would Scream at us

39 / 57

A Factorial Model

y_{ijk} = \beta_{0} + \sum \beta_{i}x_{i} + \sum \beta_{j}x_{j} + \sum \beta_{ij}x_{ij} + \epsilon_{ijk}

\epsilon_{ijk} \sim N(0, \sigma^{2} ) x_{i} = 0,1, x_{j} = 0,1, x_{ij} = 0,1

  • Note the new last term

  • Deviation due to treatment combination

40 / 57

A Factorial Model

y_{ijk} = \beta_{0} + \sum \beta_{i}x_{i} + \sum \beta_{j}x_{j} + \sum \beta_{ij}x_{ij} + \epsilon_{ijk}

\epsilon_{ijk} \sim N(0, \sigma^{2} ) x_{i} = 0,1, x_{j} = 0,1, x_{ij} = 0,1

  • Note the new last term

  • Deviation due to treatment combination

This is still something that can be in the form

\boldsymbol{Y} = \boldsymbol{\beta X} + \boldsymbol{\epsilon}

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The Dummy-Coded Data

(Intercept) heightmid herbivoresplus heightmid:herbivoresplus
1 0 0 0
1 0 1 0
1 1 0 0
1 1 1 1
41 / 57


Least Squares

graze_int <- lm(sqrtarea ~ height + herbivores +
## OR
graze_int <- lm(sqrtarea ~ height*herbivores,
42 / 57


Least Squares

graze_int <- lm(sqrtarea ~ height + herbivores +
## OR
graze_int <- lm(sqrtarea ~ height*herbivores,


graze_int_glm <- glm(sqrtarea ~ height*herbivores,
family = gaussian(link = "identity"))


graze_int_brm <- brm(sqrtarea ~ height*herbivores,
family = gaussian(link = "identity"),
chains = 2)
42 / 57

Assumptions are Met

43 / 57

Many Categorical Predictors = Fun!

  1. Combining Multiple Categorical Variables

  2. Analyzing a Multi-way Model

  3. Replicating Categorical Variable Combinations: Factorial Models

  4. The Implications of Interaction Effects

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Omnibus Tests for Interactions

  • Can do an F-Test

SS_{Total} = SS_{A} + SS_{B} + SS_{AB} +SS_{Error}

SS_{AB} = n\sum_{i}\sum_{j}(\bar{Y_{ij}} - \bar{Y_{i}}- \bar{Y_{j}} - \bar{Y})^{2} df=(i-1)(j-1)

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Omnibus Tests for Interactions

  • Can do an F-Test

SS_{Total} = SS_{A} + SS_{B} + SS_{AB} +SS_{Error}

SS_{AB} = n\sum_{i}\sum_{j}(\bar{Y_{ij}} - \bar{Y_{i}}- \bar{Y_{j}} - \bar{Y})^{2} df=(i-1)(j-1)

  • Can do an ANODEV
    • Compare A + B versus A + B + A:B
45 / 57

Omnibus Tests for Interactions

  • Can do an F-Test

SS_{Total} = SS_{A} + SS_{B} + SS_{AB} +SS_{Error}

SS_{AB} = n\sum_{i}\sum_{j}(\bar{Y_{ij}} - \bar{Y_{i}}- \bar{Y_{j}} - \bar{Y})^{2} df=(i-1)(j-1)

  • Can do an ANODEV
    • Compare A + B versus A + B + A:B
  • Can do CV as we did before, only now one model has an interaction
    • Again, think about what models you are comparing
45 / 57

Omnibus Tests for Interactions

  • Can do an F-Test

SS_{Total} = SS_{A} + SS_{B} + SS_{AB} +SS_{Error}

SS_{AB} = n\sum_{i}\sum_{j}(\bar{Y_{ij}} - \bar{Y_{i}}- \bar{Y_{j}} - \bar{Y})^{2} df=(i-1)(j-1)

  • Can do an ANODEV
    • Compare A + B versus A + B + A:B
  • Can do CV as we did before, only now one model has an interaction
    • Again, think about what models you are comparing
  • Can look at finite population variance of interaction
45 / 57

Example: ANODEV

LR Chisq Df Pr(>Chisq)
height 0.3740858 1 0.5407855
herbivores 6.3579319 1 0.0116858
height:herbivores 11.0029142 1 0.0009097
46 / 57

What do the Coefficients Mean?

term estimate std.error statistic p.value
(Intercept) 32.91450 3.855532 8.536955 0.0000000
heightmid -10.43090 5.452546 -1.913034 0.0605194
herbivoresplus -22.51075 5.452546 -4.128484 0.0001146
heightmid:herbivoresplus 25.57809 7.711064 3.317064 0.0015486
  • Intercept chosen as basal condition (low, herbivores -)
47 / 57

What do the Coefficients Mean?

term estimate std.error statistic p.value
(Intercept) 32.91450 3.855532 8.536955 0.0000000
heightmid -10.43090 5.452546 -1.913034 0.0605194
herbivoresplus -22.51075 5.452546 -4.128484 0.0001146
heightmid:herbivoresplus 25.57809 7.711064 3.317064 0.0015486
  • Intercept chosen as basal condition (low, herbivores -)

  • Changing height to high is associated with a loss of 10 units of algae relative to low/-

47 / 57

What do the Coefficients Mean?

term estimate std.error statistic p.value
(Intercept) 32.91450 3.855532 8.536955 0.0000000
heightmid -10.43090 5.452546 -1.913034 0.0605194
herbivoresplus -22.51075 5.452546 -4.128484 0.0001146
heightmid:herbivoresplus 25.57809 7.711064 3.317064 0.0015486
  • Intercept chosen as basal condition (low, herbivores -)

  • Changing height to high is associated with a loss of 10 units of algae relative to low/-

  • Adding herbivores is associated with a loss of 22 units of algae relative to low/-
47 / 57

What do the Coefficients Mean?

term estimate std.error statistic p.value
(Intercept) 32.91450 3.855532 8.536955 0.0000000
heightmid -10.43090 5.452546 -1.913034 0.0605194
herbivoresplus -22.51075 5.452546 -4.128484 0.0001146
heightmid:herbivoresplus 25.57809 7.711064 3.317064 0.0015486
  • Intercept chosen as basal condition (low, herbivores -)

  • Changing height to high is associated with a loss of 10 units of algae relative to low/-

  • Adding herbivores is associated with a loss of 22 units of algae relative to low/-

  • BUT - if you add herbivores and mid, that's also associated with an increase of 25 units of algae relative to low/-

47 / 57

What do the Coefficients Mean?

term estimate std.error statistic p.value
(Intercept) 32.91450 3.855532 8.536955 0.0000000
heightmid -10.43090 5.452546 -1.913034 0.0605194
herbivoresplus -22.51075 5.452546 -4.128484 0.0001146
heightmid:herbivoresplus 25.57809 7.711064 3.317064 0.0015486
  • Intercept chosen as basal condition (low, herbivores -)

  • Changing height to high is associated with a loss of 10 units of algae relative to low/-

  • Adding herbivores is associated with a loss of 22 units of algae relative to low/-

  • BUT - if you add herbivores and mid, that's also associated with an increase of 25 units of algae relative to low/-

that way lies madness

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Let's Look at Means, Figures, and Posthocs


48 / 57

This view is intuitive

49 / 57

This view is also intuitive

50 / 57

Posthocs and Factorial Designs

  • Must look at simple effects first in the presence of an interaction
    • The effects of individual treatment combinations
    • If you have an interaction, this is what you do!
51 / 57

Posthocs and Factorial Designs

  • Must look at simple effects first in the presence of an interaction
    • The effects of individual treatment combinations
    • If you have an interaction, this is what you do!
  • Main effects describe effects of one variable in the complete absence of the other
    • Useful only if one treatment CAN be absent
    • Only have meaning if there is no interaction
51 / 57

Posthoc Comparisons Averaging Over Blocks - Misleading!

contrast estimate SE df t.ratio p.value
minus - plus 9.72 3.86 60 2.521 0.0144
Results are averaged over the levels of: height
52 / 57

Posthoc with Simple Effects

contrast estimate SE df t.ratio p.value
low minus - mid minus 10.430905 5.452546 60 1.913034 0.0605194
low minus - low plus 22.510748 5.452546 60 4.128484 0.0001146
low minus - mid plus 7.363559 5.452546 60 1.350481 0.1819337
mid minus - low plus 12.079843 5.452546 60 2.215450 0.0305355
mid minus - mid plus -3.067346 5.452546 60 -0.562553 0.5758352
low plus - mid plus -15.147189 5.452546 60 -2.778003 0.0072896
53 / 57

Posthoc with Simple Effects

contrast estimate SE df t.ratio p.value
low minus - mid minus 10.430905 5.452546 60 1.913034 0.0605194
low minus - low plus 22.510748 5.452546 60 4.128484 0.0001146
low minus - mid plus 7.363559 5.452546 60 1.350481 0.1819337
mid minus - low plus 12.079843 5.452546 60 2.215450 0.0305355
mid minus - mid plus -3.067346 5.452546 60 -0.562553 0.5758352
low plus - mid plus -15.147189 5.452546 60 -2.778003 0.0072896
That's a Lot to Drink In!
53 / 57

Might be easier visually

54 / 57

We are often interested in something simpler...

55 / 57

Why think about interactions

  • It Depends is a rule in biology

  • Context dependent interactions everywhere

  • Using categorical predictors in a factorial design is an elegant way to see interactions without worrying about shapes of relationships

  • BUT - it all comes down to a general linear model! And the same inferential frameworks we have been dealing with since day 1

56 / 57

Final Thought - You can have 2, 3, and more-way interactions!


57 / 57


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