Nonlinear Regression and Genearlized Linear Models

Going the Distance

  1. Nonlinear Models with Normal Error

  2. Generalized Linear Models
    • Assessing Error Assumptions

  3. Poisson Regression

  4. Logistic Regression

The General Linear Model

\[\Large \boldsymbol{Y} = \boldsymbol{\beta X} + \boldsymbol{\epsilon}\]

  • We have seen this model can accomodate interaction (products)

  • X can also have other nonlinear terms

  • The key is that nonlinear terms have coefficients and add up
    > - “Linear” data generating process
  • ML, Bayes, and Algorithmic Least Squares can all fit these models

Daphnia Parasites

Daphnia Parasites

Does this looks right?

What do you do when you don’t have a line?

  1. Pray
  2. If nonlinear terms are additive fit with OLS
  3. Transform? But think about what it will do to error.
  4. Nonlinear Least Squares
  5. Generalized Linear Models

But Model Assessment is Wonky

What is our Data Generating Process?

The General Linear Model

\[\Large \boldsymbol{Y} = \boldsymbol{\beta X} + \boldsymbol{\epsilon}\]

Why not have Spores = Longevity + Longevity2

Those Posthocs are All Right?


Going the Distance

  1. Nonlinear Models with Normal Error

  2. Generalized Linear Models
    • Assessing Error Assumptions

  3. Poisson Regression

  4. Logistic Regression

What if the relationship isn’t additive?

Metabolic Rate = a ∗ massb


  • log(y): exponential
  • log(y) and log(x): power function
  • arcsin(sqrt(y)): bounded data
  • logit(y): for bounded data (more well behaved)
  • Box-Cox Transform

    May have to add 0.01, 0.5, or 1 in cases with 0s

    You must ask, what do the transformed variables mean?

Log-Log Fit

log(Metabolic Rate) = a + b*log(mass) + error

Careful About Error Structure

log(MetabolicRate) = log(a) + b ∗ log(mass) + error implies

\[Metabolic Rate = a ∗ mass^b ∗ error\]
but we often want

\[Metabolic Rate = a ∗ mass^b + error\]

Many Ways to Fit

primate.nls <- nls(bmr.watts ~ a*mass.g^b,
                    start=list(a = 0.0172858, b = 0.74160))
primate.mle <- mle2(bmr.watts ~ dnorm(a*mass.g^b, sigma),
                    start=list(a = 0.0172858, b = 0.74160, sigma=5))

But this may not solve the problem as…

But Not All Error Generating Processes Are Normal

The General Linear Model is a Special Case

\[\Large \boldsymbol{Y} = \boldsymbol{\beta X} + \boldsymbol{\epsilon}\]

Implies that: \[\boldsymbol{\hat{Y}} = \boldsymbol{\beta X}\]
\[\boldsymbol{Y} \sim N(\boldsymbol{\hat{Y}})\]
But what if We don’t want a Normal Distribution?

The Generalized Linear Model

\[\boldsymbol{\eta} = \boldsymbol{\beta X}\]
\[f(\boldsymbol{\hat{Y}}) = \boldsymbol{\eta}\]

f(y) is called the link function

\[\boldsymbol{Y} = E(\boldsymbol{\hat{Y}}, \theta)\]
E is any distribution from the Exponential Family
\(\theta\) is an error parameter, and can be a function of Y

Generalized Linear Models: Error

Basic Premise:

  1. The error distribution is from the exponential family

    • e.g., Normal, Poisson, Binomial, and more.

  2. For these distributions, the variance is a funciton of the fitted value on the curve: \(var(Y_i) = \theta V(\mu_i)\)

    • For a normal distribution, \(var(\mu_i) = \theta*1\) as \(V(\mu_i)=1\)
    • For a poisson distribution, \(var(\mu_i) = 1*\mu_i\) as \(V(\mu_i)=\mu_i\)

General -> Generalized Linear Model

\[\boldsymbol{\eta} = \boldsymbol{\beta X}\]
\[\boldsymbol{\hat{Y}} = \boldsymbol{\eta}\]

identity link function

\[\boldsymbol{Y} \sim N(\boldsymbol{\hat{Y}}, \theta)\] \(\theta\) is the SD

Going the Distance

  1. Nonlinear Models with Normal Error

  2. Generalized Linear Models
    • Assessing Error Assumptions

  3. Poisson Regression

  4. Logistic Regression

What is the relationship between kelp holdfast size and number of fronds?

What About Kelp Holdfasts?

How ’bout dem residuals?

kelp_lm <- lm(FRONDS ~ HLD_DIAM, data=kelp)

What is our data and error generating process?

What is our data and error generating process?

  • Data generating process should be exponential
    • No values less than 1

  • Error generating process should be Poisson
    • Count data

What is our data and error generating process?

kelp_glm <- glm(FRONDS ~ HLD_DIAM, data=kelp,

But how do we assess assumptions?

  • Should still be no fitted v. residual relationship

  • But QQ plots lose meaning
    • Not a normal distribution
    • Mean scales with variance

  • Also many types of residuals
    • Deviance, Pearson, raw, etc.

Randomized quantile residuals

  • If model fits well, quantiles of residuals should be uniformly distributed

  • I.E., for any point, if we had its distribution, there should be no bias in its quantile

  • We do this via simulation

  • Works for many models, and naturally via Bayesian simuation

Randomized quantile residuals: Steps

  1. Get 250 (or more!) simulations of model coefficients

  2. For each response (y) value, create an empirical distribution from the simuations

  3. For each response, determine it’s quantile from that empirical distribution

  4. The quantiles of all y values should be uniformly distributed
    • QQ plot of a uniform distribution!

Randomized quantile residuals: Visualize

Randomized quantile residuals: Visualize

Randomized quantile residuals: Visualize

Randomized quantile residuals: Visualize

Randomized quantile residuals: Visualize

Quantile Residuals for Kelp GLM

simulationOutput <- simulateResiduals(kelp_glm, 
                                      n = 250)

Kelp GLM Results

LR Test

LR Chisq Df Pr(>Chisq)
HLD_DIAM 456.6136 1 0


term estimate std.error statistic p.value
(Intercept) 1.778059 0.0572585 31.05319 0
HLD_DIAM 0.023624 0.0010502 22.49521 0

Kelp GLM Results

kelp_plot +

Kelp GLM Results

Going the Distance

  1. Nonlinear Models with Normal Error

  2. Generalized Linear Models
    • Assessing Error Assumptions

  3. Poisson Regression

  4. Logistic Regression

What about Binary Responses?

Cryptosporidum Infection Rates

Binomial Distribution

\[ Y_i \sim B(prob, size) \]

  • Discrete Distribution
  • prob = probability of something happening
  • size = # of discrete trials
  • Used for frequency or probability data
  • We estimate coefficients that influence prob

Quantile Residuals

Possible overdispersion, use quasibinomial


LR Chisq Df Pr(>Chisq)
Dose 233.8357 1 0

And logit coefficients

term estimate std.error statistic p.value
(Intercept) -1.4077690 0.1484785 -9.481298 0
Dose 0.0134684 0.0010464 12.870912 0

The Odds

\[Odds = \frac{p}{1-p}\]

\[Log-Odds = Log\frac{p}{1-p} = logit(p)\]

The Meaning of a Logit Coefficient

Logit Coefficient: A 1 unit increase in a predictor = an increase of \(\beta\) increase in the log-odds of the response.

\[\beta = logit(p_2) - logit(p_1)\]

\[\beta = Log\frac{p_1}{1-p_1} - Log\frac{p_2}{1-p_2}\]

We need to know both p1 and \(\beta\) to interpret this.
If p1 = 0.5, \(\beta\) = 0.01347, then p2 = 0.503 
If p1 = 0.7, \(\beta\) = 0.01347, then p2 = 0.702

Our Nonlinear and Non-Normal Adventure

  • You MUST think about your data and error generating process

  • For any data generating process, we can build whatever model we’d like

  • BUT, think about the resulting error, and fit accordingly

  • GLMs are but a beginning

  • We can cook up a lot of different error structures, and will in the future!