Experiments and ANOVA



  1. Experiments & Design

  2. Analysis of Experiments with Categorical Treatments
    • ANOVA!!!

Why Do Experiments?

Causal Diagram of the World


In an experiment, we want to isolate effects between pairs of variables.

Manipulation to Determine Causal Relationship


Manipulation to Determine Causal Relationship


Experimental manipulation (done right) severs the link between a driver and its causes. We can now test the causal effect of changing one this driver on a response variable.

Other Sources of Variation are “Noise”


Properly designed experiments will have a distribution of other variables effecting our response variable. We want to reduce BIAS due to biological processes

How can experimental replicates go awry?

  • Conditions in replicates are not representative

  • Replicates do not have equal chance of all types of environmental variability

  • Replicates are not is not independent

How would you place replicates across this “field”?

Stratified or Random Treatment Assignment

  • How is your population defined?

  • What is the scale of your inference?

  • What might influence the inclusion of a environmental variability?

  • How important are external factors you know about?

  • How important are external factors you cannot assess?

Other Sources of Variation are now “Noise”


AND - this term also includes observer error. We must minimize OBSERVER BIAS as well.

Removing Bias and Confounding Effects


(Hurlbert 1984)

Ensuring that our Signal Comes from our Manipulation


  • A treatment against which others are compared

  • Separate out causal v. experimental effects

  • Techniques to remove spurious effects of time, space, gradients, etc.

Ensuring our Signal is Real


  • How many points to fit a probability distribution?

  • Ensure that your effect is not a fluke10

  • \(frac{p^{3/2}}{n}\) should approach 0 for Likelihood
    • Portnoy 1988 Annals of Statistics
  • i.e.,\(sim\) 5-10 samples per paramter (1 treatment = 1 parameter, but this is total # of samples)



  1. Experiments & Design

  2. Analysis of Experiments with Categorical Treatments
    • ANOVA!!!

Analysis of Models with Categorical Predictors

What are our “treatments?”


Treatments can be continuous - or grouped into discrete categories

Why categories for treatments?

  • When we think of experiments, we think of manipulating categories
  • Control, Treatment 1, Treatment 2

  • Models with categorical predictors still reflect an underlying data and error generating processes

  • In many ways, it’s like having many processes generating data, with each present or absent

  • Big advantage: don’t make assumptions of linearity about relationships between treatments

Categorical Predictors Ubiquitous

  • Treatments in an Experiment

  • Spatial groups - plots, Sites, States, etc.

  • Individual sampling units

  • Temporal groups - years, seasons, months

Modeling categorical predictors in experiments

Categorical Predictors: Gene Expression and Mental Disorders

image image

The data

The Steps of Statistical Modeling

  1. What is your question?
  2. What model of the world matches your question?
  3. Build a test
  4. Evaluate test assumptions
  5. Evaluate test results
  6. Visualize

Traditional Way to Think About Categories

What is the variance between groups v. within groups?

But What is the Underlying Model ?

But What is the Underlying Model ?

Underlying linear model with control = intercept, dummy variable for bipolar

But What is the Underlying Model ?

Underlying linear model with control = intercept, dummy variable for bipolar

But What is the Underlying Model ?

Underlying linear model with control = intercept, dummy variable for schizo

Different Ways to Write a Categorical Model

\[1) y_{ij} = \bar{y} + (\bar{y}_{i} - \bar{y}) + ({y}_{ij} - \bar{y}_{i})\]
\[2) y_{ij} = \mu + \alpha_{i} + \epsilon_{ij}, \qquad \epsilon_{ij} \sim N(0, \sigma^{2} )\]
\[3) y_{j} = \beta_{0} + \sum \beta_{i}x_{i} + \epsilon_{j}, \qquad x_{i} = 0,1\]

Partioning Model

\[\large y_{ij} = \bar{y} + (\bar{y}_{i} - \bar{y}) + ({y}_{ij} - \bar{y}_{i})\]
  • Shows partitioning of variation

  • Consider it an intercept, deviations from intercept by treatment, and residuals
  • Means Model

    \[\large y_{ij} = \mu + \alpha_{i} + \epsilon_{ij}\]
    \[\epsilon_{ij} \sim N(0, \sigma^{2} )\]
  • Different mean for each group

  • Focus is on specificity of a categorical predictor
  • Linear Dummy Variable Model

    \[\large y_{ij} = \beta_{0} + \sum \beta_{i}x_{i} + \epsilon_{ij}, \qquad x_{i} = 0,1\]
    \[\epsilon_{ij} \sim N(0, \sigma^{2})\]  

    • \(x_{i}\) inidicates presence/abscence (1/0) of a category

    • Note similarities to a linear regression

    • Often one category set to $ beta_{0}$ for ease of fitting, and other $ beta$s are different from it

    The Steps of Statistical Modeling

    1. What is your question?
    2. What model of the world matches your question?
    3. Build a test
    4. Evaluate test assumptions
    5. Evaluate test results
    6. Visualize

    You have Fit a Valid Model. Now…

    1. Does your model explain variation in the data?

    2. Are your coefficients different from 0?

    3. How much variation is retained by the model?

    4. How confident can you be in model predictions?

    Testing the Model

    Ho = The model predicts no variation in the data.

    Ha = The model predicts variation in the data.

    Introducing ANOVA: Comparing Variation

    Central Question: Is the variation in the data explained by the data generating process greater than that explained by the error generating process?

    Test: Is a ratio of variability from data generating process v. error generating process large?

    Ratio of two normal distributions = F Distribution

    Hypothesis Testing with a Categorical Model: ANOVA

    \[H_{0} = \mu_{1} = \mu{2} = \mu{3} = ...\]


    \[\beta_{0} = \mu, \qquad \beta_{i} = 0\]

    Linking your Model to Your Question

    Data Generating Process:\[\beta_{0} + \sum \beta_{i}x_{i}\]


    Error Generating Process \[\epsilon_i \sim N(0,\sigma)\]

    If groups are a meaningful explanatory variable, what does that imply about variability in th data?

    Variability due to DGP versus EGP

    Variability due to DGP versus EGP

    Variability due to DGP versus EGP

    F-Test to Compare

    \(SS_{Total} = SS_{Between} + SS_{Within}\)

    (Regression: \(SS_{Total} = SS_{Model} + SS_{Error}\) )

    F-Test to Compare

    \(SS_{Between} = \sum_{i}\sum_{j}(\bar{Y_{i}} - \bar{Y})^{2}\), df=k-1

    \(SS_{Within} = \sum_{i}\sum_{j}(Y_{ij} - \bar{Y_{i}})^2\), df=n-k

    To compare them, we need to correct for different DF. This is the Mean Square.

    MS = SS/DF, e.g, \(MS_{W} = \frac{SS_{W}}{n-k}\)

    F-Test to Compare

    \(F = \frac{MS_{B}}{MS_{W}}\) with DF=k-1,n-k

    (note similarities to \(SS_{R}\) and \(SS_{E}\) notation of regression)


    Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
    group 2 0.5402533 0.2701267 7.823136 0.0012943
    Residuals 42 1.4502267 0.0345292 NA NA

    Is using ANOVA valid?

    Assumptions of Linear Models with Categorical Variables

    • Independence of data points

    • Normality within groups (of residuals)

    • No relationship between fitted and residual values

    • Homoscedasticity (homogeneity of variance) of groups

    Fitted v. Residuals



    Levene’s Test of Homogeneity of Variance

    Df F value Pr(>F)
    group 2 1.006688 0.3740735
    42 NA NA

    Levene’s test robust to departures from normality

    What do I do if I Violate Assumptions?

    • Nonparametric Kruskal-Wallace (uses ranks)

    • log(x+1) or otherwise transform

    • GLM with ANODEV (two weeks!)

    Kruskal Wallace Test

    statistic p.value parameter method
    13.1985 0.0014 2 Kruskal-Wallis rank sum test