Fitting Models with Likelihood!


  1. Review of Likelihood

  2. Comparing Models with Likelihood

  3. Linear Regression with Likelihood

Deriving Truth from Data

  • Frequentist Inference: Correct conclusion drawn from repeated experiments
    • Uses p-values and CIs as inferential engine

  • Likelihoodist Inference: Evaluate the weight of evidence for different hypotheses
    • Derivative of frequentist mode of thinking
    • Uses model comparison (sometimes with p-values…)

  • Bayesian Inference: Probability of belief that is constantly updated
    • Uses explicit statements of probability and degree of belief for inferences

Likelihood: how well data support a given hypothesis.

Note: Each and every parameter choice IS a hypothesis

Likelihood Defined

\[\Large L(H | D) = p(D | H)\]

Where the D is the data and H is the hypothesis (model) including a both a data generating process with some choice of parameters (aften called \(\theta\)). The error generating process is inherent in the choice of probability distribution used for calculation.

Example of Maximum Likelihood Fit

Let’s say we have counted 10 individuals in a plot. Given that the population is Poisson distributed, what is the value of \(\lambda\)?

Likelihood Function

\[\Large p(x) = \frac{\lambda^{x}e^{-\lambda}}{x!}\]

  • This is a Likelihood Function for one sample
    - It is the Poisson Probability Density function

  • \(Dpois = \frac{\lambda^{x}e^{-\lambda}}{x!}\)

What is the probability of the data given the parameter?


  1. Review of Likelihood

  2. Comparing Models with Likelihood

  3. Linear Regression with Likelihood

Can Compare p(data | H) for alternate Parameter Values

Compare \(p(D|\theta_{1})\) versus \(p(D|\theta_{2})\)

Likelihood Ratios

\[\LARGE G = \frac{L(H_1 | D)}{L(H_2 | D)}\]

  • G is the ratio of Maximum Likelihoods from each model

  • Used to compare goodness of fit of different models/hypotheses

  • Most often, \(\theta\) = MLE versus \(\theta\) = 0

  • \(-2 log(G)\) is \(\chi^2\) distributed

Likelihood Ratio Test

  • A new test statistic: \(D = -2 log(G)\)
  • \(= 2 [Log(L(H_2 | D)) - Log(L(H_1 | D))]\)

  • It’s \(\chi^2\) distributed!
    • DF = Difference in # of Parameters

  • If \(H_1\) is the Null Model, we have support for our alternate model

Likelihood Ratio at Work

\[G = \frac{L(\lambda = 14 | D)}{L(\lambda = 17 | D)}\]

Likelihood Ratio Test at Work

\[D = 2 [Log(L(\lambda = 14 | D)) - Log(L(\lambda = 17 | D))]\] =6.0130449 with 1DF
p =0.01


  1. Review of Likelihood

  2. Comparing Models with Likelihood

  3. Linear Regression with Likelihood

Putting Likelihood Into Practice with Pufferfish

  • Pufferfish are toxic/harmful to predators

  • Batesian mimics gain protection from predation

  • Evolved response to appearance?

  • Researchers tested with mimics varying in toxic pufferfish resemblance

Does Resembling a Pufferfish Reduce Predator Visits?

The Steps of Statistical Modeling

  1. What is your question?
  2. What model of the world matches your question?
  3. Build a test
  4. Evaluate test assumptions
  5. Evaluate test results
  6. Visualize

The World of Pufferfish

Data Generating Process:

\[Visits \sim Resemblance\]
Assume: Linearity (reasonable first approximation)

Error Generating Process:

Variation in Predator Behavior

Quantiative Model of Process

\[\Large Visits_i = \beta_0 + \beta_1 Resemblance_i + \epsilon_i\]

\[\Large \epsilon_i \sim N(0, \sigma)\]

Likelihood Function for Linear Regression

Will often see:

\(\large L(\theta | D) = \prod_{i=1}^n p(y_i\; | \; x_i;\ \beta_0, \beta_1, \sigma)\)

Likelihood Function for Linear Regression

\[L(\theta_j | Data) = \prod_{i=1}^n \mathcal{N}(Visits_i\; |\; \beta_{0j} + \beta_{1j} Resemblance_i, \sigma_j)\]

where \(\beta_{0j}, \beta_{1j}, \sigma_j\) are elements of \(\theta_j\)

Fit Your Model!


puffer_mle <- mle2(predators ~ dnorm(b0 + b1*resemblance, sd = resid_sd),
                   start=list(b0=1, b1=1, resid_sd = 2))

The Same Diagnostics

But - What do the Likelihood Profiles Look Like?

Are these nice symmetric slices?

Evaluate Coefficients

term estimate std.error statistic p.value
b0 1.924604 1.4291143 1.346711 0.1780732
b1 2.989502 0.5420939 5.514730 0.0000000
resid_sd 2.896527 0.4579823 6.324540 0.0000000

Test Statistic is a Wald Z-Test Assuming a well behaved quadratic Confidence Interval

Confidence Intervals

Quadratic Assumption

2.5 % 97.5 %
b0 -1.016771 4.866158
b1 1.873731 4.105253
resid_sd 2.187663 4.092085

Spline Fit to Likelihood Surface

2.5 % 97.5 %
b0 -1.016771 4.866158
b1 1.873731 4.105253
resid_sd 2.187663 4.092085

To test the model, need an alternate hypothesis

puffer_null_mle <- mle2(predators ~ dnorm(b0, sd = resid_sd),
                   start=list(b0=14, resid_sd = 10))

Put it to the Likelihood Ratio Test!

Likelihood Ratio Tests
Model 1: puffer_mle, predators~dnorm(b0+b1*resemblance,sd=resid_sd)
Model 2: puffer_null_mle, predators~dnorm(b0,sd=resid_sd)
  Tot Df Deviance Chisq Df Pr(>Chisq)    
1      3   99.298                        
2      2  117.788 18.49  1  1.708e-05 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Compare to Linear Regression


term estimate std.error statistic p.value
b0 1.924604 1.4291143 1.346711 0.1780732
b1 2.989502 0.5420939 5.514730 0.0000000
resid_sd 2.896527 0.4579823 6.324540 0.0000000

Least Squares

term estimate std.error statistic p.value
(Intercept) 1.924694 1.5064163 1.277664 0.2176012
resemblance 2.989492 0.5714163 5.231724 0.0000564

Compare to Linear Regression: F and Chisq


term estimate std.error statistic p.value
b0 1.924604 1.4291143 1.346711 0.1780732
b1 2.989502 0.5420939 5.514730 0.0000000
resid_sd 2.896527 0.4579823 6.324540 0.0000000

Least Squares

Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
resemblance 1 255.1532 255.153152 27.37094 5.64e-05
Residuals 18 167.7968 9.322047 NA NA