
  1. Schedule a meeting with me this week or next to discuss final project

  2. Exam questions starting to post Thursday

  3. Three weeks for exam!




  • We test hypotheses using \(P(x \le Data | H)\)

  • We can fit models, then test them in this framework

  • We are awfully good at for simulation


  1. Introduction to Likelihood

  2. Maximum Likelihood

  3. Likelihood with Multiple Parameters

Deriving Truth from Data

  • Frequentist Inference: Correct conclusion drawn from repeated experiments
    • Uses p-values and CIs as inferential engine

  • Likelihoodist Inference: Evaluate the weight of evidence for different hypotheses
    • Derivative of frequentist mode of thinking
    • Uses model comparison (sometimes with p-values…)

  • Bayesian Inference: Probability of belief that is constantly updated
    • Uses explicit statements of probability and degree of belief for inferences

Likelihood: how well data support a given hypothesis.

Note: Each and every parameter choice IS a hypothesis

Likelihood Defined

\[\Large L(H | D) = p(D | H)\]

Where the D is the data and H is the hypothesis (model) including a both a data generating process with some choice of parameters (aften called \(\theta\)). The error generating process is inherent in the choice of probability distribution used for calculation.

Likelihood of a Single Value

What is the likelihood of a value of 1.5 given a hypothesized Normal distribution where the mean is 0 and the SD is 1.

Likelihood of a Single Value

What is the likelihood of a value of 1.5 given a hypothesized Normal distribution where the mean is 0 and the SD is 1.

Likelihoodist v. P-Values

What is the likelihood of a value of 1.5 given a hypothesized Normal distribution where the mean is 0 and the SD is 1.

Compare p(x = D | H) to p(x D | H)


  1. Introduction to Likelihood

  2. Maximum Likelihood

  3. Likelihood with Multiple Parameters

Maximum Likelihood

The Maximum Likelihood Estimate is the value at which \(p(D | \theta)\) is highest.

Note the explicit choice of parameters.

Example of Maximum Likelihood

Let’s say we have counted 10 individuals in a plot. Given that the population is Poisson distributed, what is the value of \(\lambda\)?

Maximum Log-Likelihood

We often maximize log-likelihood because of

1) more well behaved (\(\chi^2\)) properties of Log-Likelihood values and

2) rounding error


What about many data points?

Start with a Probability Distribution

What is the probability of the data given the parameter?

What is the probability of the data given the parameter?

Can Compare p(data | H) for alternate Parameter Values

Compare \(p(D|\theta_{1})\) versus \(p(D|\theta_{2})\)

Likelihood and Log-Likelihood With a Data Set

Maximum Likelihood: 1.331914410^{-11} at 17
Maximum Log Likelihood: -25.0418188 at 17


Likelihood and Bee Death!

  • We have Bee data mortality

  • We can model Bee Lifespans as a Gamma Distribution with shape = 1 (1 bee per death)

  • What is the ML estimate of a Bee’s Lifespan in hours?

The Gamma Distribution

Distribution of Mortality

Test Different Scale Values

Very Pointed Likelihood

Smoother Log Likelihood - but where’s the max?

Zooming in to the Peak

Max Log Likelihood = -142.7837018, Scale = 27.8693467

What is the Variation Around our Estimate?

Profile Likelihoods to Search for Key Values

CI Limits = 20.25, 39.9

What if you have multiple parameters?


  1. Introduction to Likelihood

  2. Maximum Likelihood

  3. Likelihood with Multiple Parameters

Mean Seal Age Distribution

What’s the distribution of ages in a seal colony?

Estimating Mean and SD: Likelihood Surface

Contour Plot of a Likelihood Surface

Estimates: mean = 3730.05, SD = 1293.4

New Issues with Multiple Parameters

  1. What Log-Likelihood Values Are Used for 95% CI?

  2. Brute-Force Becomes Slow

  3. Algorithmic Solutions Necessary

  4. Specification of Likelihood Function Unwieldy

Profile CIs

  1. For each value of the parameter of interest, get the MLE of the other paramter

  2. Use this as your profile likelihood for your parameter
  3. Values of your parameter with a Log Likelihood 1.92 from the peak are in your CI

Likelihood Profile of One Coefficient Along ML Estimates of the Other

Likelihood Profile of One Coefficient Along ML Estimates of the Other

Likelihood Profile of One Coefficient Along ML Estimates of the Other

Likelihood Profile of One Coefficient Along ML Estimates of the Other

Mean profile, SD Profile

Likelihood Profile of One Coefficient Along ML Estimates of the Other

Mean profile, SD Profile

Likelihood Profile of One Coefficient Along ML Estimates of the Other

Mean profile, SD Profile

Likelihood Profiles to get CIs

        2.5 %   97.5 %
mean 3704.364 3756.122
sd   1275.384 1311.887

How do we Search Likelihood Space?

Optimizing to find a Minimum Value

  • optim - wide variety of optimizers

  • nlm - Nonlinear Minimization

  • nlminb - Constrained Optimization

  • mle2 from bbmle (wrapper for all of the above)

Did You Say Minimum?


We optimize using -sum(LL Function) 

Deviance = -2 * LL

Searching Likelihood Space

We use Algorithms

  • Newtown-Raphson (algorithmicly implemented in nlm and BFGS method) uses derivatives
    • good for smooth surfaces & good start values

  • Brent’s Method - for single parameter fits
  • Nelder-Mead Simplex (optim’s default)
    • good for rougher surfaces, but slower
  • Simulated Annealing (SANN) uses Metropolis Algorithm search
    • global solution, but slow

Final Note on Searching Likelihood Space

If your algorithm fails to converge, you cannot evaluate your model or coefficients