Consider the following data generating process:
\[\chi^2 = \sum\frac{\displaystyle(O_i-E_i)^2}{E_i}\]
{width = 80%}
Are births evenly spread across the week?
Day.of.the.Week Births
1 Sunday 33
2 Monday 41
3 Tuesday 63
4 Wednesday 63
5 Thursday 47
6 Friday 56
7 Saturday 47
Day.of.the.Week Births Expectation
1 Sunday 33 50
2 Monday 41 50
3 Tuesday 63 50
4 Wednesday 63 50
5 Thursday 47 50
6 Friday 56 50
7 Saturday 47 50
\(\chi^2\) = 15.24 with 6 DF
p = 0.01847
Given that the goal is to detect deviations from expectations given normal error, this test has a few assumptions:
If you violate assumptions: