Differences Between Two Groups



  1. Statistical Golems, Z, and T

  2. T-tests in context: Paired data

  3. Comparing Means with a t-test

Statistical Golems

(sensu Richard McElreath)

The Z-Test

  • Let’s assume I have a BOX of 15 Corgis. I suspect fraud.

  • I get the average chest hair length of each Corgi - but are they different?

  • So, we’re interested in the difference between my sample mean and the population mean: \(\bar{X} - \mu\)

    \[\Large H_o: \bar{X} - \mu = 0\]

When & How to use Z-Test

We want to calculate a test statistic (z) & compare it to the standard normal curve (\(\mu = 0, \sigma=1\))

1. I have a known population mean (\(\mu\)) and standard deviation (\(\sigma\))

2. I can calculate a population SE of any estimate of the mean, \(\frac{\sigma}{\sqrt{n}}\)

3. Now calculate a test statistic

\[\Large z = \frac{\bar{X} - \mu}{\sigma_{\bar{X}}}\]

This is a Golem

\[\LARGE z = \frac{\bar{X} - \mu}{\sigma_{\bar{X}}}\]
  • What is my data generating process?

  • What is my error generating process?

What Drives my Golem?

Is this a Good Golumn for Realistic Sample Sizes?

Is this a Good Golumn for Realistic Sample Sizes?

  • Fat tails, leptokurtic, but better with higher n


A T-Distributed Golem

T Versus Normal

  • A Normal Distribution is defined by a mean and a SD
    • Both assume this data and error generating process
  • A T-Distribution assumes a mean of 0, a SD of 1, but changes shape based on its Degrees of Freedom

Degrees of what?

  • Let’s say you estimate a mean

  • Mean = (x1 + x2 + x3)/3

  • If you know the mean, x1, and x2, you can calculate x3 - DF = N-1

  • How much unique information is there in calculating a parameter?
    - Will also hear this called # of free parameters

DF and Distribution Shape

Using our T Statistic

  • To test for difference from 0, we assume \(\mu = 0\)
  • But other conditions can be used to look at differences


  1. Statistical Golems, Z, and T

  2. T-tests in context: Paired data

  3. Comparing Means with a t-test

Comparing Paired Groups
\(H_0\): Difference = 0

  • \(\bar{x_d}\) is the mean difference between paired samples
  • Evaluate against T Distribution with n-1 Degrees of Freedom
    • n = # of pairs

Does bird immunococompetence decrease after a testosterone impant?

Differences in Antibody Performance

What’s The Difference?

Does this look normal?

Evaluating Your Golem: Assumptions

  • Before we look at p-values and all that, we need to test assumptions

  • What assumptions does a t-test make?
    • Ask, what is the data generating process? Does our data satisfy it?
    • Ask, what is the error generating process? Is it valid?  
  • Single mean, normal error

Assessing Normality

  • There are many ways…
  • Our visual inspection could be sufficient

  • Visual inspection of QQ plots

  • Formal tests (e.g., Shapiro Wilks)
    • Can be too sensitive, type I error

The QQ Plot

What does this mean?

Quantiles of a Normal Distribution

We’re familiar with quantiles - let’s say you have a normally distributed random variable:

         0%         25%         50%         75%        100% 
-3.78067252 -0.67818866 -0.01041209  0.67146298  3.61989650 

There are many quantiles - all numbers between between 0% and 100%

         0%         10%         20%         30%         40%         50% 
-3.78067252 -1.26370725 -0.84012734 -0.53748706 -0.26382446 -0.01041209 
        60%         70%         80%         90%        100% 
 0.25880431  0.52504744  0.83012841  1.28781239  3.61989650 

We Can Event Plot the Quantiles of a Normal Distribution

N.B. Quantiles are the 1-tailed P-Value!

Our data has Quantiles

       0% 8.333333% 16.66667%       25% 33.33333% 41.66667%       50% 
      -26       -24       -23       -19       -16       -12        -9 
58.33333% 66.66667%       75% 83.33333% 91.66667%      100% 
       -6        -2         4        11        17        20 

The QQ Plot

If these values were normally distibuted, there would be a linear relationship, as the pattern of quantiles would be the same.

Our Golem Is Angry: What to Do about Assumption Violations

  • Choose a different Golem
    • Choose a different distribution
    • Non-parametric tests (lower power)

  • Apply a tranformation to the data to meet assumptions

Difference on a Log Scale

     estimate statistic   p.value parameter            method alternative
1 -0.05615385 -1.271409 0.2276739        12 One Sample t-test   two.sided

General Testing Workflow

  1. Build a Test

  2. Evaluate Assumptions of Test

  3. Evaluate Results

  4. Visualize Results


  1. Statistical Golems, Z, and T

  2. T-tests in context: Paired data

  3. Comparing Means with a t-test

Horned Lizard Survivorship

Horns prevent these lizards from being eaten by birds. Are horn lengths different between living and dead lizards?

The Data

What is the data generating process?

Data Generating Process as a Model

\[Horn\: Length_{ij} = \beta_i\]
\[\beta_i = Horn\: Length\, for\, group\: i\]

Error Generating Process in the Model

\[Horn\: Length_{ij} = \beta_i + \epsilon_j\]
\[\beta_i = Horn\: Length\: for\, group\: i\]
\[\epsilon \sim N(0,\sigma)\]

The Unpaired T-Test

\[\LARGE t = \frac{\bar{x_1} - \bar{x_2}}{s_{12}\sqrt(n)}\]

s12 is a pooled standard deviation:
\[\large s_{12} = \sqrt(s_1 + s_2)\]

Evaluating Error Generating Process

Evaluating Residuals for Normality

Unequal Sample Size?

There’s a formula for that!

Troubleshooting Your Golem

  1. Unequal Sample Sizes - Alternate Formula for Denominator

  2. Unequal Population Variances - Welch’s T-Test (different denominator and DF)

  3. Residuals Not Normal - Transform - Non-Parametric Test - Golem with a different error structure

OK, Evaluate the Results!

    Welch Two Sample t-test

data:  Squamosal horn length by Status
t = -3.8175, df = 46.93, p-value = 0.000394
alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0
95 percent confidence interval:
 -3.264484 -1.011215
sample estimates:
  mean in group Dead mean in group Living 
            21.98667             24.12452 


What is being shown here?


Test Purpose Assumptions
1 sample t-test Tests whether the mean of a sample is equal to a target value Normality of population
2 sample t-test Tests whether the the means of two independent samples are equal Normality, Equal Variance, Equal Sample Size
Paired t-test Tests whether the mean of the differences between paired observations are equal Normality of difference


  1. Even if the world is normal, your sample isn’t

  2. Statistical models are just that - you have to build them

  3. Guiness has given us many ways to handle testing one or two means